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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2013 in all areas

  1. Dude - Meldrum has never changed any TV show, conference or event $5500 - never. He does ask for an honorarium to cover his time and I know exactly that amount is - which is no where near $5500. Musky Allen is lying, plain and simple. I would hazard to bet he didn't contact Meldrum in 2009 either. He's a shill of Rick's - who, btw, doesn't have a bigfoot body. It's all a hoax.
    1 point
  2. This thread needs some Hooked on Phonics. A name is revealed, someone else posts the name, another person adds an extra name to it, then original revealer gets called sloppy. Comprehension for the win. And then people wonder how some can get so fooled by what someone says. *slaps forehead* For the record... out of context is when you're quoted on something and only a portion is taken to make it seem misleading and posted elsewhere. Issleb's statements, which he posted himself, are not taken out of context. Even the language of his statement shows a single response, not responses from the past. There's nothing genuine about backtracking. Newsflash... liars that believe their story will sound genuine. Forget the impossible preservation story that absolutely didn't include freezing, but now possibly could, only because it was brought up here first. Forget the multiple changes to the shooting story when it comes under scrutiny. Forget the little details that make no sense at all. All you need is to sound like you believe what you say and that's proof enough. Ignore evidence because talking around it makes more sense. You'd think that proof that things aren't possible as described would hold more merit, but only those statements aren't considered genuine. The rest of what they say are considered fact.
    1 point
  3. Honestly, IMO It wouldnt take a Seal Team to do it; Any seasoned squad (post AIT) properly kitted. could probably get the job done. Just from a weapons perspective, a squad has sufficient firepower to bring to bear to take down. I had an old Sar major tell of his squad getting rushed by a shrapnel wounded, feral bull water buffalo. That is not an animal to dismiss as " just a bovine". The squad dispatched it after a few moments of WTF!?! What ever branch has a team/squad behind the trigger of standard issue weapons,will IMO not have an issue. The volume alone of a squad "flinging lead" would scare most anything away.
    1 point
  4. <p> Biscardi is Dyer's mentor!!!!! LOL...
    1 point
  5. I really am started to believe that a few (three of you) are just siding with RD to antagonize this forum and this thread. The only other alternative I see is borderline insanity! I cant come up with any other explanation on why anybody would believe this line of BS at this point!
    1 point
  6. LEAF and Ronn you really have done well trying to defend this fabricated hoax. I just dont understand why? with the facts staring you right in the face you ignore the obvious and continue down your abyss. Are you saying the MA is Matthew Johnson?
    1 point
  7. Seems to be a lot of Angry people these days. Exactly! Dyer looked like he wanted to kill himself when Musky was ramnling and would not let Rick get a word in edgewise. Rick was moaning! lmao
    1 point
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