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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2013 in all areas

  1. This isn't directed at you Sas but this has got to be said. A lot of people on this forum need to wake up and smell the coffee. I'm not following it extensively at all, because i see it for what it is. However, i'm under the impression that nothing more is to be said on it because it's all going to be in a movie ? Are you serious ? Rick Dyer has done this before, and he's doing it again, what can be clearer than that ? This man is insulting the intelligence of everyone and i can see why he's doing it, because people, lots of people fall for this nonsense. The entire episode is an embarrassment to Sasquatchers WITH a brain.
    2 points
  2. There are 34 users reading this topic right now. We all are guilty with empowering Rick Dyer to do what he does.
    2 points
  3. Fact1 RD serial hoaxer Fact2 RD said he could/would fool BF Community again Fact3 nobody has ever heard of MA Fact 4 MA lied about contacting Meldrum Fact 5 MA lied about contacting MM Fact 6 MA lied about relationship with RD so please give me your reasoning on why you as a proclaimed disbelieved now believe in these twos claims to have a dead BF
    2 points
  4. Of course I listened, and It wasn't convincing. He's made the same arguments the few believers here made. A source telling him it's credible, the movie poster, and Musky. Him not knowing Minnow was making a film about the good, the bad and the ugly of the people who search was telling. His statement that he just couldn't understand anyone not buying into the tent film is the type of arrogance that gets people in trouble. If you bash anyone that disagrees, it just doesn't make me want to believe you. Dyer never hedges. Go back to the 2008 videos. He maintained the story until it was done. And then it was stolen lol. And then it was fake. Then he saw another one. Then he had another body. Then it was stolen again. Then it was all fake. Then he put up fake pics that he stood by. Then he denied the tent video. Then he admitted the tent video. Then he claimed he shot another one. And he's gonna continue the story and bash everyone who tries to deny it. Bring out evidence and you're a hater and just jealous. Meanwhile no proof of anything. Just words. Of course he's going to stick to it.
    2 points
  5. I've mentioned it a few times, and try to remind people this isn't his first go after the 2008 hoax.
    1 point
  6. Moderator Statement: This topic is closed due to the continual reports, name calling and general lack of respect for the forum rules. Before you ask or do so, no - We will not allow another topic about the current Rick Dyer circumstances to be started on the General Forum. After we clean up the mess that's been made, we will consider reopening it. However, we may not. I would like to apologize to all of our members that have followed the rules. I know it is unfair to you, but we just can't allow some of the behaviors displayed to continue.
    1 point
  7. Quote Sasfooty, "This is the thread to state for all to remember, which side of the fence you're on, & your plans for a future in which Bigfoot is a fact." A number of Bigfoot Proponents have stated clearly that they don't believe Rick Dyer shot a Bf nor has a body this time around. Why is it so hard to understand that believing in Bigfoot is not the same thing as believing everything that some yahoo claims about Bf? Sas, I do not think you are a liar or a fool. I think you are a habituated habituator, a knower. Maybe a bit paranoid and prickly toward humans. I asked you a straight question a while back; got a snippy, dismissive response. Turnabout is I don't answer your question now.
    1 point
  8. Yanno reading the threads surrounding Rick Dyer, I've come to several conclusions. 1) For all of the banter about how morally repugnant pro kill people are, if one of them promises that they have a body, the whole community drops their anti kill stance and runs over to the circus show to buy a ticket. 2) No matter how many times a con man has conned them, people will come right back for more. Why? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE SO BADLY IT HURTS. 3) There is a right way and a wrong way to go about releasing evidence that Sasquatch is real. Why is it that concerning Rick Dyer it's all about him and not the body? For pete sake's he still has "press release" pictures up on his website from his last HOAX!!! What does that tell you? It tells me he is more interested in attention than anything else even if it's associated with negativity that HE SHOULD NOT BE PROUD OF! 4) Yanno, it's all about the species, the betterment of the species that a type specimen provides. If this betterment comes through Rick Dyer? Great. Awesome. I will eat all the crow anyone wants. If Rick Dyer is the instrument that brings about scientific recognition and conservation? I will eat my hat. But don't ask me to hold my breath...........
    1 point
  9. The real question is what to do when this is finally revealed to be a hoax as his other attempts have been? Shall we completely disregard the opinions of those who were so easily mislead? Do we lump them in with habituators who claim sightings of overall wearing bigfoots riding trains or claim near constant contact with no proof? When reason is cast aside and the ability to discern reality from fiction is lost is there any contribution they can meaningfully make?
    1 point
  10. Ok Sassy, I'll ask you. What will you do if it's proven true and then your habituation posts make you look like a liar or fool, because the behavior you posted all look impossible because it was simply lured by ribs with multiple cameras around?
    1 point
  11. The train to nowhere... Here's my question, especially to the habituators... You claim they know your intent, avoid detection unless they're sure of who you are, only show themselves when they want to be seen, yet everything about RD's story completely bucks that analysis. Even a habituated BF would be aware of those new to the area, right? They're so smart and avoid trail cams, feel threatened by cameras, yet allow a full camera crew and a man intent on killing them in their area? They just threw caution to the wind and wanted a rib? Wouldn't that make everything you've told us about habituation be proven false then? It's a direct contradiction in behavioral studies by not only those on this board, but every story and documentation of habituation out there.
    1 point
  12. Yes, it is being touted as proof. However, all it proves is that they submitted the film for a grant that they did not receive. I'm not sure why they would even worry about money if they have video proof of a real Bigfoot getting shot on video? Hell, that would be worth millions and here they are trying to get a $30K grant? That's a little weird if you ask me...
    1 point
  13. Arrowhead This listing is for films that have been submitted for grants from Tribeca and not films that will be part of the festival. As an aside, if you look further, Shooting Bigfoot did not win a grant.
    1 point
  14. But that past hoax is not all there is to it, it's his actions and behavior over years since the hoax, the additional hoaxes, or attempts at them, his words from his own mouth that contradicts half of what he says now. As well as his current demeanor and behavior.
    1 point
  15. Whoever reads ANYTHING into this beyond "hoax" should probably check themselves into a clinic. The need to "know" cannot outweigh being reasonable and realistic.
    1 point
  16. I think there is a special place in hell for con men who take advantage of innocent people.......over and over and over again.
    1 point
  17. This joke of a hoax is what i find not funny! It just hurts honest research
    1 point
  18. Such a strange, strange post. LT - What was it about's Ronn's post that has got you so worked up? Seems like the same stuff he's repeated over and over for the last few days now. There is some very suspect behaviour on this thread. It's fine having an opposing view. Heck I welcome it, but the 'nodding-dog' stuff seems really odd to me.
    1 point
  19. The only "side" that has facts to back it up is the "Rick Dyer is a lying sack of Bull feces" side". It is a fact he is a serial hoaxer. It is a fact he hates the bigfoot community. It is a fact he and Musky Allen have been caught in lies involving this latest hoax he is attempting. While it is a fact there will be a film debuting at Tribeca as has been said, that is not proof that anything Rick Dyer has said is true. That is not proof he shot and killed a bigfoot. It is not even proof he is going to be in the film. If you want to continue to buy into Dyer's latest hoax, that is fine, it is everyone's inalienable right to make a fool of themselves. But do not try to say those of us who know Dyer is pulling another hoax have only "hearsay, judgement for past sins and inaccuracies" on their side. We are the only side with facts and firm proof.
    1 point
  20. This thread needs some Hooked on Phonics. A name is revealed, someone else posts the name, another person adds an extra name to it, then original revealer gets called sloppy. Comprehension for the win. And then people wonder how some can get so fooled by what someone says. *slaps forehead* For the record... out of context is when you're quoted on something and only a portion is taken to make it seem misleading and posted elsewhere. Issleb's statements, which he posted himself, are not taken out of context. Even the language of his statement shows a single response, not responses from the past. There's nothing genuine about backtracking. Newsflash... liars that believe their story will sound genuine. Forget the impossible preservation story that absolutely didn't include freezing, but now possibly could, only because it was brought up here first. Forget the multiple changes to the shooting story when it comes under scrutiny. Forget the little details that make no sense at all. All you need is to sound like you believe what you say and that's proof enough. Ignore evidence because talking around it makes more sense. You'd think that proof that things aren't possible as described would hold more merit, but only those statements aren't considered genuine. The rest of what they say are considered fact.
    1 point
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