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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2013 in all areas

  1. Jacki - He admitted he did 2008, but he started blaming others. Less than a year later in 2009, he claimed another body. The he claimed it was taken by the Men in Black. He didn't apologize. In 2011, he posted a fake picture. Then he claimed he had a permit to kill one in Canada. Another lie. Then in an interview he claimed the 2008 body was real, but it was taken by Men in Black and they had to buy the suit to look legit. This wasn't a mistake. This was a genuine effort to defraud and make a mockery of the BF community. He hasn't been bashed even half as much as he's been doing the bashing because most are intelligent enough to ignore it. Every loon that creates a fake video does get ridiculed. They just don't keep trying to do it over and over again. Sorry if for when you mess up or make a mistake. Sorry doesn't work if it's after you were caught. Multiple times. And he hasn't introduced himself. He's proclaimed himself to be #1 and anyone that has been doing it longer than him sucks at it so they should quit. Anyone that comes after is riding his coattails. There is no one else. That's not an introduction, that's demagoguery.
    1 point
  2. I vote Nathanfooter, best up and coming, Young Bigfooter of the Year!
    1 point
  3. It's only a merry-go-round if you jumped on board. To me, you all look blurrier than a photo of BF going round and round.
    1 point
  4. I'm not sure that's true. I've been watching her for a while now. Seems to me there's a history of people trying to spin situations as binary, with only two mutually exclusive options, and yet later it turns out there was a 3rd option everyone ignored. This could be another one. She's said she couldn't submit to GenBank. Ok, so instead of either blindly accepting that -or- presuming to have all the facts and calling her a liar, why doesn't someone look into WHY she was unable to submit? The third option, ya'll are ignoring, is that there really is a reason she can't do that. That reason might be real enlightening.
    1 point
  5. Gosh - is there an Idiot's Guide to all of this??! I could really do with one. best. Lee
    1 point
  6. Hi there, Can I just double check something: apart from Rick Dyer and Musky - has anyone else confirmed that there is a body? Thanks. Lee
    1 point
  7. .. I have never been arrested per se, but still there are a great number of things in my past that I wouldn't want people here to know, and I don't even really know any of you guys in real life. But still I'd be mightly embarassed about a thing or two. My dad said to me once something that was brilliant, he just said "no matter how good a life you lead there are going to be 4 or 5 instances where you look back and say 'what the hell was I doing in that situation???' " I remember asking him a question after that and he just repeated: "no matter how good a life you lead there are going to be 4 or 5 instances where you look back and say 'what the hell was I doing in that situation???' " I'm still a young man and I've already used up about three of them. Not that I'm saying that there is any excuse for scaming people of domestic abuse or stuff like that, but I have forund what my dad said is true. Those 4 or 5 things are different for each of us, but we all have them. You are on the wrong planet if you think you can get through this life without making any mistakes. The best we can do is to learn from them. Whether RD has learned form his mistakes is debateable, wheather he is trying to learn from them could be debateable also. But either way it appears as though we'll know soon enough.
    1 point
  8. A historical perspective that should not be construed as religious discussion- Before the introduction of Christianity to Europe, the aboriginal peoples were tribal, honored their ancestors and local nature spirits and gods. They interacted with the landscape and were dependent upon its resources. When Rome began to assimilate these tribes into their nation state, the cultural beliefs of the indigenous peoples had to be discarded so that they would submit to Roman ideologies and ultimately, Roman rule. Ballance did not exist, only the need to extract resources to benefit the Roman machine. Then, the religion of Christianity was introduced. The path of Christianity was not in the land, but in a building where the deity was said to communicate to the people via the priest. Laws were given to scare people into accepting beliefs and an abstract projection of guilt was utilized in something called a sin. Old traditions were discouraged, and any tribal story was relegated to demonic worship. The detachment to the old ways was effective. So, trolls, orgres, grendel, and bigfoot type creatures were relegated into evil, the wild places were transformed as the lairs of horrible creatures and spirits, and people forgot who they were. Only remants of the indigenous beliefs remain in folk tales, sagas, a few pieces art and archaeological finds. Likewise, land use practices changed, the old growth forests and wild places succumbed to tthe needs of a growing population and industrial progress. Lets move about 2000 years forward to the mass European colonization of the New World. The sins of the father were visited upon the son. The landscape of the Americas was ripped to shreds to glean natural resources, the indigenous people enslaved, and their own traditions and languages ripped from them and as recently as the 20th century, forced assimilation programs were instituted by the US government. What horrible actions happened in Europe 2000 years ago happened in the Americas only 500. There are still wild places left, and conservation has helped preserve our natural resources. If something like sasquatch exists, it has a shot to persist. Any such creature in Europe does not share a similar fate- too long and too brutal industrial persecution. Likewise, many American aboriginals have their languages, stories and traditions somewhat if not mostly intact. They have the folk memory and landscape to remember and possibly interact with bigfoot. I wish them luck, as the trappings of my own ancestors are fragmented and forgotten.
    1 point
  9. " & the BFF Award for people that have ultimately made no progress in this subject whatsoever where species verification is concerned goes to...................."
    1 point
  10. Very difficult to lose Scott for many of us who've spent alot of time with him over the years (especially Tom Yamarone who was extremely close with Scott). I'm very grateful that we got to take him out one last time last July when we got Munns and the gang to Bluff. I can't tell you how many good times we had, specifically out on the NorCal coast as Scott loved being out with us and we loved having him. He also contributed so much, as many of you know, from an historical aspect. He definitely left his mark on this field and will be missed. Being a witness himself many, many years ago, Scott did not need convincing with respect to the existence of these animals but I promised him in July that we will carry on aggressively to bring that reality to the world, and we'll do so in his honor.
    1 point
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