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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2013 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Deceptions Not proven......just the opposite!
    1 point
  3. Actually no, because I'm using his words to prove that you choose to believe them when it favors your belief, and discount them when it proves it wrong. There is no body. But if there would it would have decomposed if preserved the way they described, or would have the effects of bad tissue on the surface due to freezing. You can't have it both ways. Only Tim Holmes is going to Burger King.
    1 point
  4. ^^ and there's that $130,000 camera allegedly of Minnows, lying on the ground, beside a cooler.
    1 point
  5. For the record, my comments on the bird picture was a joke since crow was the conversation. It's obviously a bird. The parasitic powder was to explain the menthol smell and to ward off the decomposition talk. Too bad he didn't research because parasitic powder does nothing to slow down decomposition. Musky has always been a shill. His refusal to even be critical of anything Dyer or Biscardi, The entire fake background and lies revolving around that, the caught in a lie about Meldrum, MM and Rene's notes... yet he sounded so genuine on all of that. He answered questions he didn't give detailed answers without a prompt. The tent video is a suit. Besides it turning it's head over it's shoulder, it's above 5, but shorter than 6 feet tall. The bottom of the flap is less than 3 feet off the ground (since the ceiling is about 4) and we're looking at the bottom of the opening. A 10 degree angle for 20 feet (being generous) leaves you with something less than the advertised 7 foot 8 inches or whatever. I suck at math though, so someone else should do the trig.
    1 point
  6. Why are we crossing threads today??? I come here to read about Melba's report, if I want to read about the other issues out there I'd go to the proper thread.
    1 point
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