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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Recently watching threads that are so freakin large that they are crashing our website got me thinking........ Are we spending our time in a proper manner? Is talking about hearsay or proposed things that have not come to light really productive? I wish people would take one tenth of that time that they spend making hundreds of posts in these "unproductive" threads, and take a honest crack at the subject. Strap your boots on and get out there! We need you! If pro kill absolutely makes you feel ill? Then collect scat and hair samples, try to retrieve DNA in some other form than a steaming dead body. If your in a position that you absolutely positively CANNOT get out there? Then help out in other productive ways, crunch numbers, investigate reports, whatever. Sorry, I just feel like this family of mine is more often than not chasing it's tail, round and round and round. Leave the drama behind,........it's a "he said, she said" type of affair.
    1 point
  2. FB/FB got the info on Musky from Musky. He bragged about his background and it's all been proven false. Notice he picked target names that can't or usually don't fire back. Rene's dead, his son isn't in the community, and Meldrum usually doesn't directly reply to comments made about him. But this time he did. He didn't contact him now and he didn't contact him in 2009. Those prices were never his appearance costs. Everyone that's worked with Rene never heard of him. His son owns all his notes. Musky even got the place where Rene lived wrong. Not many caught that. FB/FB's mistake is that they take everyone's word for truth. They have always been gullible. They're a big target in the eyes of Rick. Attack the establishment of BF researchers, but hurt the common believer that isn't close to that establishment. Well FB/FB is the home of the believer that doesn't follow it deeply. And to hoax 38k people as well as make the FB/FB guys look foolish...that part's already done.
    1 point
  3. Only that which is associated with Rick Dyer. If they were extremely bright they would have never associated their name with Rick Dyer.
    1 point
  4. Many here have stated that they base their opinion not only on the association with RD, but the fact that FB/FB confirms many videos and photos that are clearly inconclusive, and some that are known and admitted hoaxes. If their contribution to the BF community is tainted, it is because of their own tactics and actions, not my mere opinion here on the BFF.
    1 point
  5. We're a consistent and reliable source of a wide variety of foodstuffs, so squatch have always been in contact with us as close as we will allow. Sometimes it's just easier to There was a time in all of our histories where they probably had their way with us. As we developed the means to defend ourselves and organized socially we would have been able to protect the main body of our communities, but they still would have been hanging around trying to steal kills, drying meat, and other things. Easy pickings at night. As we became more proficient in agriculture and animal husbandry we created fields of food and heards of livestock that we couldn't possibly protect all the time. At the same time we had better weapons and organization, so this was possibly the time when we were most aware of them and hostile toward them. An interval from thousands of years ago to hundreds of years ago. I believe that these times are the basis for the giant-killer stories. Fast forrward to today and anyplace we go we carry food and discard what we don't eat. If you've got a human in an area, a squatch is going to be interested in what the human has to eat. Plain and simple. A very powerful attractant. So they've always been as close to us as we allow and probably always will be. How do you control that? But I still don't think they're subject to environmental pressure that drives them into contact with us, except perhaps in the coldest months when food is scarcest, or in the most arid environments where we control the available water.
    1 point
  6. Why doesn't Dr. K release the names of he "other scientists" who are now reviewing the paper you ask? (Generic you.) I believe she answered that on the C2C interview. They don't want to be harassed with inquiries from bigfooters while they are doing their work. You wanted a paper. You got it! You wanted other scientists to review it. You got it. You wanted DNA evidence of a novel extant hominid. You got it. Now if you insist on rejecting findings you haven't read, because you will never accept the existence of Sasquatch, because they don't exist, nothing will ever convince you. Patience grasshopper and all will become clear.
    1 point
  7. If Rick Dyer lived across the street from me? I would not cross the street to verify his claim. Mainly because I'm sure it's a hoax and I'd be afraid of how I'd react to another of his antics.
    1 point
  8. What a load of hogwash. There are PLENTY of pictures and video out there that shows something that isn't a bear...........or a stump. It's either a dude in a suit or it's something unexplained. We even have thermal video of something that isn't a bear or a stump, how is that for technology? This is just another example of the EPIC FAIL of any type of film or picture proving anything to anyone. And unfortunately this is the chosen medium of the "more people" searching for the creature. This is just a simply ignorant statement. It really bothers me that people actually think that hunters are fat, lazy slobs that waddle out on opening day and just slaughter everything in sight. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a woman from the humane society that had a rather dour opinion of cougar hunting with hounds. I challenged her to strap on her snow shoes and follow hounds through deep snow ridge after ridge attempting to tree a cougar and get back to me on her opinion............and that is of course after years of breeding, feeding, mucking out the kennel, watering, doctoring and TRAINING your hounds. This type of stuff just offends me. I've seen something that I cannot easily explain away, so there fore I cannot dig my feet in like you have.
    1 point
  9. I'm struggling with the money issue. Meet with reps of Nat Geo, Discovery or any one of a number of media outlets or corporations, and if Erickson has the quality footage he claims he can get his investment dollars and still have a very sound proprietary position. If Matilda is supposed to whet our appetite wow, what a disappointment. I think Matilda looks like a giant brown poodle in need of a good grooming. Nonetheless, if you do believe you see a sasquatch in that HD video clip, then I have a handsome young "bigfoot" for sale. He's good with kids and will fetch:)
    1 point
  10. Here we go again! No matter who confirms that they saw the body, we have to read about how they're part of the hoax, looking for publicity, lying, or have skeletons in their closet. Good thing he's a member here or we'd already be hearing about his skeletons.
    1 point
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