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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Recently watching threads that are so freakin large that they are crashing our website got me thinking........ Are we spending our time in a proper manner? Is talking about hearsay or proposed things that have not come to light really productive? I wish people would take one tenth of that time that they spend making hundreds of posts in these "unproductive" threads, and take a honest crack at the subject. Strap your boots on and get out there! We need you! If pro kill absolutely makes you feel ill? Then collect scat and hair samples, try to retrieve DNA in some other form than a steaming dead body. If your in a position that you absolutely positively CANNOT get out there? Then help out in other productive ways, crunch numbers, investigate reports, whatever. Sorry, I just feel like this family of mine is more often than not chasing it's tail, round and round and round. Leave the drama behind,........it's a "he said, she said" type of affair.
    1 point
  2. Sure, a leaping coyote can look like a Squatch track, so can Bear tracks..........but some of these claims are not a fantastic as you may think them to be. Three miles? A three mile track way is plenty of distance to tighten the selection of likely suspects. It's a moot point. It matters little whether Bobo immediately claims it's a Squatch trackway or I carefully deduce that it's not a leaping coyote or deer, nor a bear and it's either a Sasquatch or a giant human with no shoes. Science doesn't come look any way because they will exclaim that it's a hoax. But there is a big BIG difference between hoaxing a track way in wet mud and hoaxing a track way in four feet of snow...............and that's why snow trackways are some of our VERY BEST evidence for the existence of an unknown creature known as Sasquatch.
    1 point
  3. ^^ Again, I understand. But there is a big difference between "What made this", and " Looky here, Bigfoot tracks!!" One is making a fantastic claim, the other is not. One could be investigated and possible explanations provided. The other is a point that some people refuse to move from, even when plenty of reasonable, and more likely, scenarios are presented. And science has no obligation to go and respond to the "Looky here, Bigfoot tracks!!" claim. The person making that claim takes the burden onto themselves the second they utter the phrase. The first one, though, there you have something worthwhile. It's a puzzle asking someone to solve it. Sometimes this, rather obvious, nuance gets lost when discussing Bigfoot and people start to think that just because I said something is evidence of Bigfoot it will remain so until Science proves it otherwise. But that's not how it works. Footers will claim something is a Bigfoot ( blobsquatch), or tracks were made by Bigfoot, and they move forward completely ignoring rational, alternate explanations for the evidence. And then they wonder why Science is not that interested in chasing these down and arguing with them anymore. When you start by claiming something is a Bigfoot, then you started off on the wrong foot in my opinion ( pun sort of intended).
    1 point
  4. You have no idea how many times I slap my forehead while watching "finding bigfoot". But believe me, (or not, investigate it yourself) not everything in the form of evidence is the grand delusions of bobo. Yes, it is absolutely the burden of the proponent to prove the existence of an unknown creature. But your not Joe Schmo that reads the morning paper to keep up on the subject of Bigfoot. Your a member of a BIGFOOT FORUM.......your challenging Bigfooters on all sorts of particular evidence as a skeptic! For me? That means you have thrown your hat into the ring, and that would mean that your being held to a higher standard than Joe Schmo.
    1 point
  5. You don't have a position you are blindly perpetuating the hoax by your steadfast support of a known hoaxer. And by doing so contributing to the gap between main stream science every seriously looking at BF. CONGRATS!!
    1 point
  6. Your putting words into my mouth. I'm not asking you to take religion or any other mystery as faith. But if your going to attack a mystery as false, then I would expect a person to do their homework. If your simply waiting to be spoon fed a photo that is "convincing" to you while eating ho ho's on the couch? Then I don't have a lot of respect for that kind of behavior.
    1 point
  7. This is hoax #5. 2008 - body on ice, 2009 claim of body....months later stolen by MIB's. 2011 claim of permit to get body in Canada, another claim of original 2008 body taken by MIB's and photo that he released from his expedition that when caught he claimed he was hoaxed lol. I don't count the MiB claim of original body to be a hoax since it's his usual pattern of just changing the story.
    1 point
  8. I suggest visiting the Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Sulphur, Oklahoma. There's been a number of sightings there and it's a short drive from the Davis/Turner Falls area.
    1 point
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