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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2013 in all areas

  1. Yeah, I agree. MM has been doing the above things to people for years. He needs to knock it off...
    1 point
  2. I live 2 hours from the sierra kill site I work with and know both wardens from the area CA LE never invistigated the alledged shooting
    1 point
  3. I would but right know.I am to busy shooting bigfoots in a homeless camp in the middle.of.downtown San.Antonio TX.
    1 point
  4. It's interesting that the most ardent supporters of Dyer's claim here are "post-event" new members. Maybe not particularly instructive...but interesting nonetheless.
    1 point
  5. This is a very good statement as this is what RD has done in the past and, to a certain degree, continues to do. He attempts to make people feel "small" so he can make himself feel better. It's classic 1st grade, bullying, attention craving behavior. However, on this occasion, I'm not sure if I agree that this is his motivation. When he pulled his hoax, in 2008, there were many people on board with his frozen Bigfoot story. This time, there are very few believers. I know there are some, like FBFB, Chris Noel and some scattered members of this and other forums. Regardless, the majority of the Bigfoot community does NOT believe this particular story. Seriously; who's he going to ridicule? Chris Noel and FBFB? No offense to either as they have a presence in the Bigfoot culture. Of the two, Chris Noel is by far the most respected but his latest book has some pretty "out there" theories. FBFB is, as far as I can tell, not taken very seriously. They have followers and people do watch their videos but most of us take them with a grain of salt. I won't mention the scattering of believers as they don't use their real names and can't be publicly ridiculed. Anyhow, if RD thinks he will be able to ridicule the Bigfoot community, then he has not given this a lot of thought. RD is many things but he's not stupid. I don't believe he's in this in order to make people look bad. His motivation is something else and I don't think it's just money. RD is a man that's very tuned in to the way he's perceived in the public eye. Right now, he knows that he has no credibility and is mocked by most of us. He pretends that he does not care but it's obvious, by the way he ridicules those that do have respect, that he cares very deeply about the way we see him. I think what he craves, more than anything, is to be liked, respected and even admired. I believe he spends a great deal of time, imagining himself as a hero and a leader. He hopes to vindicate himself by proving that he's better than Meldrum, MM and other public Bigfoot personalities. Being the man that brought down a Bigfoot, would make him an instant celebrity in the Bigfoot community, as well as the general public. I think that this is what he wants most of all and what's he's been trying to accomplish all along. If RD really did kill a Bigfoot, back in September, then this theory makes sense. However, even if you don't think he did kill a Bigfoot, this theory still has a certain logic. Depending on whether you believe him or not, he has our attention and he's either waiting to unveil the "goods" or he's desperately working on a way to "trick" us into thinking he does. Either way, the allure of being or becoming respected, liked and admired is too much for him to just walk away and let it go. He will stretch this out as long as it's possible, just to keep feeling the high that he gets from being on center stage.
    1 point
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