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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2013 in all areas

  1. This thread has gotten ridiculous. Far too much speculation, innuendo, and just plain petty gossip. Let's just stick to the facts. The only fact that I can ascertain within this subject matter is that Dr. Melba Ketchum has completed a study of Sasquatch DNA, and presented it to the public. The study arrives at some conclusions. Those conclusions have not been proven to be incorrect by anyone of note or significance. Ditto for the data and her methodology. And until, or unless, an identifiable expert in that field obtains the data from her study and confirms or denies her conclusions, then her conclusions stand. At this current moment, her study's conclusions stand. Her study is not dependant upon her lack of perfection as a human being. It also does not depend on the Smeja sample, nor does it depend upon some alleged telephone call whether it is real or fictional. Her study is also not dependant upon her character, business dealings, or any other imaginary fault or accusation thrown out by her critics. When people with a dog in the fight start making accusations, and create a sideshow of sorts with their steaming heap of innuendo, one needs to be careful and be certain not to step in it. It all distracts from Dr. Ketchum's study. I simply cannot imagine what would motivate some folks to do that. And I must repeat, until, or unless, an identifiable expert in that field obtains the data from her study and confirms or denies her conclusions, then her conclusions stand.
    3 points
  2. First There nothing confusing about his lies they have already been proven to be just that LIES. Secondly there is nothing he could say over a face book conversation that would make his testimony so believable that you can just come out and say OK they got a body. NOTHING Lastly you cant say anything cuz you will get into trouble REALLY??? By repeating a conversation you had on face book..this is not a court of law...something does not sound right? DR will never see a body
    1 point
  3. I don't care who believes what, but those of us that have reasons to believe that there may actually be a body, aren't fools because of our beliefs. The fact that he is a known hoaxer has nothing to do with whether this is true or not. I've heard that it is true from ANOTHER person that is in a position to know, & this person didn't hear it from him. Whatever Dyer says is irrelevant to me. Honestly, it's silly to base everything you believe about this mess on the fact that he has hoaxed before. There is nothing about his previous history that makes it impossible for this to be true. Anything is possible. A children's story has nothing to do with it, & I think it was the nonbelievers that brought that up, anyway.
    1 point
  4. on the first one I have no idea to be honest on the second, I believe he did bring her into the study but this was before I was ever involved to any extent so i can't be certain. of course, Paulides brags about this to anyone and everyone. To be honest, because of Melba's prior involvement with Biscardi going way back (I don't know to what extent) would've been enough to keep me from giving her those boots. The only way she was getting them based on the red flags I saw (even before "the call") was that her work was scientifically validated and then and only then would I have felt comfortable giving her the boots to try and get potential genetic link between parent and child (that's all conjecture and assumption btw). BTW, I spoke with Paulides a few months back and I flat out told him the truth of everything because I didn't want him to be blindsided, including what Justin and the witnesses claimed on the call. He obviously wasn't persuaded as the next thing I know he's telling people that Justin switched samples on purpose and insinuating without naming me that because I'm in the BFRO, he's been slandered previously etc... not only untrue, but completely irrelevent. Maybe he wouldn't have said this in regards to Justin had I not neglected to mention that the sample tested in Oklahoma, which was the other half of Dr. Ketchum's piece was out of Justin's custody for over 18 months.
    1 point
  5. You're concern for Rick Dyers feelings are touching. And curious.
    1 point
  6. My opinion is that I don't give truth to the Smeja story. I am sorry if you were insulted by my opinion. I don't believe Ketchum and I don't believe Smeja.... if you have some hidden message it is up to you then to play those cards too. I'm not invested in this story (and certainly not invested in the Ketchum antics or study). I'm a grown man and I've made my decisions based on what I know. That said, I admire your work and attempt to out hypocrisy. Doesn't change certain things for me and I don't care how many lie detectors somebody passes. If there is more to discuss I'd certainly take it up in Tar Pit.
    1 point
  7. I chose #5. Why? It has nothing to do with Randles, and everything to do with the admitted hoaxer Dyer.
    1 point
  8. ...and MK could provide some proof of her claim that Justin swapped samples to give to Bart & Tyler. Believe (or not) who you want. It seems pretty clear to me who the more credible party is here.
    1 point
  9. Jacki - the bolded part. Moneymaker never threatened to sue him. And the picture on his facebook back then he said was his brother, or brother-in-law to Violet. Another lie since you've seen multiple pictures of him and he today said it was him. His entire backstory is a lie. He was a liar then, he's a liar now. Lying doesn't have an expiration date. And I posted the whole quote so he couldn't come back tomorrow and say I took it out of context.
    1 point
  10. Do you think there's anything to the allegation that Smeja substituted a bear sample to avoid the possibility of prosecution for killing a "human", allbeit a hairy one? Wouldn't it be a kick in the teeth if the original sample he gave Ketchum was genuine, generating circumstance and opportunity, then he does the bait and switch, effectively tubing all the work, time effort, and hopes of many, many people?
    1 point
  11. Its also a known fact that Shills never lie about their backgrounds, reputations, prior affiliations, their names either. Only a real shill would have told the truth about trying to contact a respected Dr. and wouldn't have had to back track to cover a lie. So ya there is no way Musky is a shill, no way at all!
    1 point
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