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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2013 in all areas

  1. Pulling a deliberate prank on people and wasting their time and resources means you've accepted the repercussions. That's life man, that's why parents teach their kids not to do things they'll be sorry for. Personally I don't see any crazy people here, but there are unstable people all over the internet- even in the skeptical community. It's no excuse for anyone to play the victim, especially when they voluntarily take the risk.
    1 point
  2. maybe the responsible party should jus post pictures of the stompers
    1 point
  3. An IP address and a total lack of denial- that's more than enough as far as I'm concerned. If he wasn't in on the hoax then he wouldn't have been able to state how "far off base" people's claims were. It's basically a self admission right there.
    1 point
  4. I'm a newbie and I've never been able to read an entire post of Tontar's, they are just way too long. I can normally read long posts. I'm sure there might be some good stuff in there, but my attention drifts quickly and I just skip it.
    1 point
  5. You two should settle this via a mud wrestling contest...
    1 point
  6. Bottom line here is the more it strung out the more all will realize this is a hoax. All RD would have to do is show one reputable scientist the body.... and then bloom instant celebrity money being thrown at him from everyone. People waiting I. Li.e to see the film. But he hasn't done this why?? An NDA? Get real look through the the mirrors the smoke the theatrics and you will see clearly that this is all a facade. Good people getting.g duped by RD AGAIN.
    1 point
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