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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Its April eh? I am sure that will turn into June shortly anything to prolong the hype. Welll at least Derek said he was planning a trip to Vegas anyway. I still think he will never see a body if there is some kind of a body replica to see he better pull out the knife magnifying glass and tweezers...i wouldn't put anything beyond the relm of possibilities. Although DR is a samrt man and I am sure he will be on his toes. I still think Norsman Cervelo and i should be and armed escort for him ........
    1 point
  2. DEEP SIGH... Moderator Statement: You know, there have been several warnings posted in this topic warning against getting personal with each other and to behave like adults. The reports keep coming and I've noticed several violations as I cruised through this thread. It appears that some members have chosen to disregard the Mod Statements and post without regard for what message they were meant to convey. This topic is now closed again at least until we can sort through this mess. As for those that chose to violate our rules and disregard the numerous warnings we've given, expect punitive measures.
    1 point
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