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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2013 in all areas

  1. There were also those that didn't show any confirmation bias, so what's the justification towards them? Excuses, excuses. I only see a board member who maliciously duped other board members here.
    1 point
  2. Yanno reading the threads surrounding Rick Dyer, I've come to several conclusions. 1) For all of the banter about how morally repugnant pro kill people are, if one of them promises that they have a body, the whole community drops their anti kill stance and runs over to the circus show to buy a ticket. 2) No matter how many times a con man has conned them, people will come right back for more. Why? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE SO BADLY IT HURTS. 3) There is a right way and a wrong way to go about releasing evidence that Sasquatch is real. Why is it that concerning Rick Dyer it's all about him and not the body? For pete sake's he still has "press release" pictures up on his website from his last HOAX!!! What does that tell you? It tells me he is more interested in attention than anything else even if it's associated with negativity that HE SHOULD NOT BE PROUD OF! 4) Yanno, it's all about the species, the betterment of the species that a type specimen provides. If this betterment comes through Rick Dyer? Great. Awesome. I will eat all the crow anyone wants. If Rick Dyer is the instrument that brings about scientific recognition and conservation? I will eat my hat. But don't ask me to hold my breath...........
    1 point
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