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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2013 in all areas

  1. He was drunk and she was trying to protect the story, not an NDA. He did let slip there was no embalming done, so call a coroner or funeral home and ask what would happen to a corpse after 6 months in that state. As to the scrutiny.. Absolutely if you put yourself in the public eye and make a claim like this, you better make sure you keep your story straight and not change it constantly. You also better make sure the story you made up about yourself has some validity. You can only be discredited if you're telling a lie. The truth always shines through. Musky isn't taking heat because he said he saw a body. He's taking heat because he's lied about who he was and what he's done. Any spin that it's because of what he saw is disingenuous. RD is taking heat because he's claimed a body every single year except 2011, when he claimed he had a permit to kill one in Canada as well as the Darth Vader Tree Peeker. He can't get upset that people want him to prove what he's claimed every year and has never put forth the evidence to prove. If RD isn't hoaxing, it'll be a first. What happened to the CNN sweeps week interview? What happened to the story being in major magazines? He went from 100's saw the body already to 1000's have seen it, but nothing from anyone? I completely respect everyone's decision to believe what you believe. But if you nitpicked all the details of the story instead of just those that possibly support your belief, you'd see how terrible this story is put together. Like I've said before, this story makes the Ketchum paper look like something deserving of a Pulitzer and Nobel prize.
    2 points
  2. A nice chapter on snow tracking, baiting stations, measurement and preservation of prints...... also scat handling for those interested in preserving for molecular genetics...... etc. etc. psw_gtr157_chapter5.pdf
    1 point
  3. This was posted above but it looks very suspisious. Looks like someone was able hack a fake webpage into this site: http://www.zimbio.co...films Rick Dyer
    1 point
  4. OK. We understand these theories on how things should be, so now lets all understand how they usually are. 1) See, hear, smell BF at our homes & get slapped in the face with the reality of their existence 2) Get habituated 3) Learn that getting proof is impossible 4) Need to come to terms with what is happening 5) Find people here that understand the problem & also want to come to terms with what is happening 6) Talk about it & get accused of insanity, lying, attention seeking, & trying to profit Edited to add: 7) Get snarky
    1 point
  5. Well, you could, but it might not be wise. Many here have not told outright lies, so not each and everyone here. I don't lie. I say what I mean and mean what I say. Not to say I haven't told a lie in my past, but I'm far beyond that point at this time in my life. No one on this thread has claimed to have shot and killed a BF. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. And all we have from RD at this point are inconsistent statements and outright lies.
    1 point
  6. Those very negative blog postings remain on his blog at the present time.
    1 point
  7. Nope, unless they renamed it Run from Crazy.
    1 point
  8. Ok Gang.... We are going to give this another try. Please read See Ta Cah's statement above about why this thread was closed. It is our hopes that this thread will go back to being a civil discussion. However, I can promise you this - If this thread starts to slip back into the same mess that got it closed - it will be closed for good. This is the last chance. Remember: - Attack the argument, not the arguer - Respect each others opinions - DO NOT question the actions of the moderators in the open forum Any questions should be addressed in PM. and BFF has one rule above all else - Behave like adults! Please do not let something you say cause the demise of this thread. Have a great night! Chele
    1 point
  9. Anyone who steps up to the public opinion home plate to bat is exposing themselves to a multitude of opinions, some that are informed, some not informed and some who really don't want to be distracted with facts and will believe what they want to believe. My hats off to Melba Ketchum for taking a swing at this thing knowing that serious science might not even take a serious look at her work. This has been going on for centuries when you study a new thing. Other science pioneers have also endured this before their work was accepted. Her life and business would have been much simpler if she had never taken this route. Anyone who thinks this is a very positive swing on her life is extremely ignorant of what has happened to her during this time. I feel time other endeavors will coroborate her work in time.
    1 point
  10. I have nothing but contempt for hoaxers, and I do not care one iota as to the reasoning or self justification for attempting such things. In my opinion what happened at Elbe was an example of a common investigation by researchers whom speak their minds and express hope that maybe we have something of merit here, then as they investigate further they begin to see things which send up red flags and doubt. I am happy that this case was exposed by researchers whom through investigation found out the cause of the Elbe track way. Not some hoaxer coming out after the event had been excepted and declared authentic by all those involved in the investigation, to cry and point Ha, Ha we got you! In fact it was a researcher whom exposed and got the hoaxer. Well done. Thomas Steenburg
    1 point
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