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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2013 in all areas

  1. And how long did it take for people to start seeing the true nature of these creatures? Only a few chosen have now realized what they are about and now there are people getting on board . Enlightment comes only after it has been expieranced,well we have hit that threshold with these creatures. They do not need our protection when they already have it. Everything that we have they do not want and they do not care what we have. They live a perfect life on their own and if we enter it they know we will destroy it. So they choose who and where and when to make contact and on their terms.There rules and only their rules are we to live by with them.
    1 point
  2. You know I really wanted to believe in this Sasquatch study by Ketchum. But you know what, those that purchased it, and have a critical eye to the science behind it.....telling me they would like a refund tells me that somebody fumbled the football on the five yard line..... and probably didn't have a good grasp of it at the 30. She knows that, I know that, so where is this gonna end...... legendary (but not epic).
    1 point
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