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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Probably the same way a scofftic who is an adamant disbeliever in the fanciful, mythical, fairy tales of a 8' bipedal creature covered with hair roaming the woods would bother to not only come onto a forum dedicated to the study of such creatures, but spend endless days, weeks, and months wasting their time (and 1,575 posts) indulging in discussion of such.
    2 points
  2. Bwahahahahaha...release the hounds!!
    1 point
  3. Bipto, mayhaps you should attempt to knife the animals, rather than shoot them.
    1 point
  4. Appearantly it works just fine for someone who thinks casting a trackway and tracking the maker of the tracks to be the same thing...
    1 point
  5. from Bigfoot evidence "DP: Every case in the “Missing-411 books are peculiar, that’s why they were written. One of the more recent and highly unusual cases occurred in South Carolina in 2011 and is a case that’s highlighted in the new book. Before I advise an audience about the facts behind a story, I always ask them to remember back when they had young children. In this story the boy was 21 months old. I ask the readers to remember back when they were around a child that young. How well could they toddle and how far could they walk. How quickly could they get out of your view? How much stamina does a 21-month old child have? In this incident the boy was in his residence with the family dog and his mother. She left the room momentarily and somehow the boy and the dog got outside. There was a large open field surrounding the residence before reaching thick woods. The mother realized that her son and the dog were gone and ran outside to check the yard. The boy and the dog were not only in the yard, they weren’t anywhere in sight. The mother called the sheriff and searchers started to arrive in mass. By late in the afternoon, the weather started to change to rain. Searchers continued to walk the surrounding property and found nothing that first night. The first morning of the search, a sheriff’s deputy and a natural resource officer were in kayaks on a river two miles from the victims residence, they were just two of hundreds looking for the boy. A search helicopter was flying above the river looking for a body and had just flown over the kayakers. The two law enforcement officers were paddling upstream from the area of the residence and just turned a corner in the river when they made an amazing find. It was 2:30pm when they looked at a sandbar in the middle of the river. They found the missing boy alive lying on his back in the middle of the sand. They immediately called the helicopter back to the scene to pickup the boy and take him to his residence. The pilot confirmed that he had just flown over that section of river and the boy WAS NOT on the sandbar, minutes later he’s lying there. There are many confusing aspects to this case. How the boy got away from his residence so quickly is not understood. How a 21 month old can manage to go through thick woods, enter the river and arrive at a sandbar in the middle of the river, the million-dollar question. Why didn’t the boy respond to hundreds of searchers that were in the woods that first night? The boy did not suffer from hypothermia even though the weather had been in the low 40’s with rain. The boy’s dog did reappear at the residence. This is one of three cases where very small children have disappeared from the interior of a residence while with the family dog. Each case is equally fascinating. " I live so close to this that I had the search copters flying over my house. I think the auther needs to do more research into this The weather was up into the 60's that night and the Enoree River is low enough to walk across at ankle deep easy for a tot to cross. The sheriffs office asked people to stay away from the search area because they didnt want to disturb the tots footprints and evidence. We kept waiting for word to come help but the found him safe.. dirty and hungry but could have been worse.
    1 point
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