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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Your rhetoric is chaotic,confusing and border line insulting. Stupid Westerners, addicted to evidence. When all we should do is link hands, and share our stories and take everything on faith. Never want evidence or proof for anything. Just accept everything we are told, no matter how preposterous. There is zero , ZERO, incumbency to accept an outrageous claim until that claim is proven. In other words, you want me to believe your wild claims? Simple. Prove them. In the meantime I'll stick with what the facts can prove, and so far that aint much. DWA loves to point to milestones from the past. But they also help bolster the skeptical argument against Bigfoot. Yes, those are great examples of paradigm shifts. Of things that were once skoffed at, but are now accepted as fact. But they key point is that those things were pursued and the claims were proven out. If that ever happens and BF takes its spot up there along with the rest of mans great discoveries, then awesome. Join me for dinner, I'll eat crow and you can have a big, fat I-Told-You-So steak. In the meantime, I'm not going to hold my breath. Turns out, I'm addicted to oxygen.
    1 point
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