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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2013 in all areas

  1. The Habituation thread is undoubtedly very interesting Elaine, however it would be safe to say that some of the content is far from 'definitive'. I'm sure you'll be able to sort the wheat from the chaff!
    1 point
  2. dmaker like i said earlier its going to take some compelling personal experience for u to possible soften your position or make u a flat out believer depending on what u experiece. i would guess iam somewhere in the 60% range of proponent per my experience. and i have been attacked by both skeptics and believers so there fore i feel iam some where in the middle. some one like drew would not become a believer if he came face to face with one per his words. his logic would force him to the conclusion what he saw was a hoax. i would guess that u are somewhere between me and him. i cannot be 100 percent sure they exist until i have my own sighting. and science cannot be 100% sure until they have a body. i would like to kill two birds with one stone:)
    1 point
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