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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2013 in all areas

  1. TM - I can and have written about many things. Journalism is about the facts. I don't and have never claimed to be a scientist. Sports writing was a hobby. BF is a hobby. You don't need to have a special degree to write about sports. You don't need to have a special degree to write about bigfoot. I am a journalist with a degree. If you think i've been wrong about laying out the facts, please state what you think my inaccuracies are. I'd love your opinion on how I was wrong in pointing out the contradictions in her own words. I didn't write those for her.
    2 points
  2. 1- I guess I'm just really struggling to understand why anyone really cares so much about a change in SOMEONE ELSE'S name / brand / terminology. 2- As I see it, the "other evidence , observations and perceptions" that ANYONE has accumulated to date has really led to nothing more than a few cable tv show, some books, a few websites, some hoaxes, whole lot of drama, a dubious public and an ardently skeptical scientific community. Net result- "No Resolution" to this mystery. I say BRAVO to the TBRC / NAWAC for actually - as it would appear from the outside looking in anyways- taking real and assertive steps to try to achieve said resolution as opposed to simply proliferating a never ending weekend hobby. They - in my mind- fall into a very small group of various people around the country who actually stand a chance of solving this mystery ...assuming there is anything to actually solve in the first place.
    1 point
  3. Zigo, my comments as a moderator and board member are different. My actual title is the blogger for the BFF, but because of the access required, I had to train to become a moderator and do help with that. Point out where I have attacked her personally and I will publicly apologize. I've gone after the facts and pointed out what's wrong. If that's considered negative than it falls back on her for not setting the record straight. Just read my article and you'll see the problems with the paper and everything surrounding it. As a journalist, I will always pursue truth. And yes, sometimes the truth hurts. You can ask Tyler how hard I came at him with questions. And I'll do it with anyone that makes a claim that isn't easily answered with what's presented.
    1 point
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