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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2013 in all areas

  1. What is frustrating for me is that there are people who claim they can prove it (or at least introduce much more evidence) but choose not to. Whether genuine or not, it seems rather childish to come to a forum where many are looking for answers, claim to have the answers, and not share. Like sticking their tongue out and saying "neener neener neener", but alas, that is where we are at. I understand your frustration but Its not like how you describe at all. I can only speak for myself when I say there is no self righteous neener neenerin going on with this individual (me) and although I cannot presume to speak for the others in the knowing camp... I can say I have spoken in depth with enough of them to know these are good honest people. In my case I am a relatively secure adult individual who knows what I know, who is sure what I have seen and encountered and have come to a place in life where I don't need the illusion of acceptance from other people to feel some kind of vindication. I don't care about proving to other people that they exist because they do, and certainly will and have only shared said evidences and experiences with trusted individuals. This is not some insiders club of snobbish hobnobbers laughing behind the scenes at all the folks who have yet to have an encounter...God forbid, most of us are people whose lives have been radically changed and altered forever by this thing and are looking to put a reasonable picture together for some piece of mind and to deal with or learn to deal with what is or has happened to us and its as simple as that really. Then coming here as some do and sharing or showing their cards only to be ridiculed and belittled , yeah I'll pass. I can find other ways to spend my energy.
    1 point
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