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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2013 in all areas

  1. Thank you for pointing this out because the point is completely lost on some here. I don't even have an issue with her hypothesis as a possibility or origin explanation (wouldn't surprise me at all) more so, because I could care less what they actually are (the "pursuit" is my passion) than I think I'm knowledgeable enough in that particular area to make an argument for or against it. My problem is the ethics, the motives, the presentation and the representation because we are all guilty of association of subject. I "know" they exist because I've seen them and would bet everything I have and love without blinking. The difference is I accept that's not reality to the majority of the world for good reason, such as, an embarrassing historical evidence record and understandable perception of presumed unviability by the general consensus and it's "our" burden, the ones that care and are making the claim to prove it....collectively as of today we've all failed up to this point. I hope that failure motivates many of you because it sure does me. I think now more then ever, especially for those of us that do "know," we should promote elevating our collective standards rather than foolishly thinking the world and science should lower theirs.
    2 points
  2. ^^^ I vote for no next...
    1 point
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