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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2013 in all areas

  1. Well NM my post was directed at OntarioSasquatch and your post slipped in between there before I saw that you posted. I am well aware of your pro kill status and I think your right , that could prove the existence of SSq in the physical sense, however It would not explain the other rather odd things tons of others (including researchers) have without a doubt encountered with our interaction with the SSq. Things like mind-speak, time space alterations, disappearing and reappearing, invoking fear response, communicating intentions to name a few. They have been discussed ad nauseam here and other places. Ignorance is only a derogatory term if you have an over the top ego, it simply means someone doesn't know.. and in the world of SSq can most certainly be bliss. I wish I didn't have my experiences sometimes because of all the flack I've had to absorb, but I reached a point where I didn't care anymore about what people thought of me, and more about what is the truth. Unfortunately there are many people who are smarter than me that do keep their mouths shut. To myself and them who cares what science thinks at this point when we already know well beyond where they even begin. There is only one who knows all the secrets of the universe and we cant speak of that here as per rules, but each and every one of us has some degree of ignorance, and that's just fact. Where I draw the line is when someone works a disinformation campaign or intentionally is trying to mislead people. That is a different story. Claiming to know that which is unknowable is just foolishness. What do I believe they are... Sasquatch just as you do, that is what they are... a living earthly creature that does exhibit real abilities that we do not fully understand yet but I feel we will in time or perhaps we wont but we aren't going to get there by pigeon holing the data that is not known yet and shutting doors that obviously enough people have already opened or had opened to them.
    2 points
  2. You continue to demonstrate an embarrassing lack of understanding regarding the wild places of North America. No. I am a Realist. You can't claim that a 600 lb animal remains unclassified in North America. This shows your unwillingness to accept the basic fact North America, despite your desire to have a wild place where ape-men can exist, cannot hold such a creature, in the places where it is reported, and have it remain unclassified. A Romanticist can claim such things, a Realist cannot. Which, I suppose Bipto, is Drew's oblique way of calling your veracity into question. Or your sanity. Or both. (And that of many others participating in your study) Take your pick! As long as folks have the chutzpa to substitute their judgment for those who actually have the experience, this sort of nonsensical dialogue will continue. It is a very peculiar kind of narcissism, and has to be immensly self-satisfying. Sic transit gloria mundi! In my part of the world, a bald challenge like that delivered in person is most likely to earn the challenger an old-fashioned and freshly opened can of the whoop-**s. I expect in OK the result would be much the same. Not very civilized, I admit.
    1 point
  3. The "supernatural/paranormal stuff" comes from an small number of claimed eyewitnesses' experiences. It may now be endorsed by certain people to justify bigfoot's elusiveness, but the witness reports came first. Analyzing all the available data is engaging reality. Selectively ignoring the bits we don't like is "not very realistic".
    1 point
  4. I never said that there was anything supernormal for bigfoot. Please re-read my post. Not really. Which is exactly why I advocate not throwing out data simply because it makes us uncomfortable or contradicts our worldview.
    1 point
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