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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2013 in all areas

  1. well in another thread iam learning that the master species on earth is bigfoot and they have harnessed teleportation, communicate with aliens and a whole host of cool scfi stuff! so disabling redneck trail cameras should be a snap!
    2 points
  2. A and C are correct. Sure you can. I am also a Realist, and I know that indeed such a thing is there. Realism has to do with What Is, rather than make up stories. IOW, dealing with knowledge rather than belief.
    2 points
  3. I think you hit the nail on the head there. He wants people to know her beliefs, but this reeks just as much of competition and creating a precedent for bias in her interpretations, which aren't all hers to begin with. I nearly emailed him to send my sample through him to Sykes, but now can't imagine Meldrum or Sykes advocating the action. Meldrum decried it to be unprofessional to announce findings prior to publication, but all they have to do is test samples that have been offered, and hold their own tongues until publication.
    1 point
  4. My observation is that there seems to be a campaign to force Ketchum into releasing the information that is reported as being "withheld" via a series of several different blog posts ending with, "Until Ketchum releases the data, we have to assume this is true." or words to that effect. If I was given this information, I would wait until I knew the whole story before releasing this, so I just can't seem to relate to the motivation exhibited here.
    1 point
  5. Where is the unedited transcript that would show that nothing was taken out of context, and is indeed accurate? Did I miss that, or am I to take the edited version as gospel? I have no idea. I would suggest that you ask Ketchum herself. She would have an answer for you. As for Rhettman Mullis, here are his own words: "I am not qualified to determine the authenticity of genetic science and that is why I turned her paper over to Sykes and Nekaris and both did not respond favorably to the science in the paper. Genetics is not my area of expertise." So....how about we get back to the data, and move past the enquirer stuff from biased competitors.
    1 point
  6. Most if not every single person that worked on any of this with her wanted and still want the good data salvaged, there was much work done by many. Some much more than others, but there were many involved in trying to do anything to help. I know she was warned and told to stir clear of some of the controversial issues. Too bad she didn't listen. KB
    1 point
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