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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2013 in all areas

  1. 1- I guess I'm just really struggling to understand why anyone really cares so much about a change in SOMEONE ELSE'S name / brand / terminology. 2- As I see it, the "other evidence , observations and perceptions" that ANYONE has accumulated to date has really led to nothing more than a few cable tv show, some books, a few websites, some hoaxes, whole lot of drama, a dubious public and an ardently skeptical scientific community. Net result- "No Resolution" to this mystery. I say BRAVO to the TBRC / NAWAC for actually - as it would appear from the outside looking in anyways- taking real and assertive steps to try to achieve said resolution as opposed to simply proliferating a never ending weekend hobby. They - in my mind- fall into a very small group of various people around the country who actually stand a chance of solving this mystery ...assuming there is anything to actually solve in the first place.
    1 point
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