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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2013 in all areas

  1. I think the problem here is obvious to those that will admit it. I don't care about the credentials. They only matter because Dr. Ketchum said anyone that isn't a geneticist can't comment, yet everyone that comments in support hasn't been a geneticist. It's a double standard. But that's only one issue. The major problem is they're saying the data is good, but not giving an explanation why. If you say it's showing this or that, then you can't just leave out the why or how. It doesn't matter if you're a secretary, a janitor or a geneticist, I'd listen to anything or anyone that came out in support if they could backup the how with evidence. So while some like to believe there's some conspiracy to make things look bad, the simple explanation is there has been absolutely zero attempts by anyone to backup why the science is good besides saying "Because it is." That is what makes it look bad.
    1 point
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