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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2013 in all areas

  1. ^^ True, the show does draw attention to Bigfoot in general, but after doing so just proceeds to do so much damage to the premise that the attention only succeeds in turning the topic into a side show. Their domestic antics were bad enough, but now they are wandering the globe spreading their unfounded proclamations for anyone who will listen. It is hard enough to accept the idea that science missed one large, unknown primate here in North America, but to think that there is one for every corner of the globe is ridiculous and does harm to the claim. I think Grover Krantz put it better: "Some people have gathered stories about bipedal, hairy monsters from almost all parts of the world, evidently under the mistaken impression that this strengthens the argument for their existence. Actually it does just the opposite--the more widespread a land animal is claimed to be, the less likely it is to be real. A truly worldwide distribution occurs only for man, his parasites, and his domesticates. This does not prove a worldwide Sasquatch does not exist, but it makes one wonder. Some reputable scientists would study a possible primate in North America and parts of Eurasia, but when you throw in South America, Africa, and Australia just for good measure they will back off. The possibility of multiple species of such animals might avoid this problem, but it only serves to raise another. For science to have missed one large species of unknown primate is difficult enough to swallow. To claim there are still more of them only strains to the breaking point whatever credibility there may have been." Yet Moneymaker and crew have failed to find a single spot yet that has not been declared Squatchy. Be it North America, or Vietnam, or Australia. Where will they go next to destroy even further any credibility to the claim of Sasquatch?
    1 point
  2. It has been said here a few times but, as ridiculous as I think this show is, I do think they HAVE brought attention to BF. The show's ratings are there because of that fact IMHO. I think the cast and crew definitely had to the fascination of it because of the cast of characters. Of the group, MM himself thinking EVERYTHING is BF and his running through the woods is exactly the opposite thing any serious researcher does, then professing himself as the experienced researcher that seems to know all about them. VS Renae, the incredulous researcher that is the complete opposite. Throw in BOBO for the fun loving, nice guy sort of goof that marches to his own beat then CLIFF, that to me is the most level headed and actually is a pretty good researcher on his own and it has created a fun to watch show. If I were to film myself and maybe a few of researcher friends, it would probably get cancelled because it would be very boring because we do almost everything completely opposite. Yea, we get some good stuff and we are fascinated by some of what we do get, it would take much longer to put together an interesting "show" because the editing out of all of the boring stuff would take too much time. Also to add, the best part of the show to me IS the eyewitness portions as it gives me better information to use in collecting data as to where the hotspots are. Add that to the fact I love to hear their testimonies, even though I know some may be made up to get on the show, a few are not. Just ask our fellow member and friend Nathanfooter. KB
    1 point
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