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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2013 in all areas

  1. Throughout the Bigfoot research realm, there are folks who refuse to consider or accept new information if it doesn't fit into their formed opinions as to who and what the Bigfoot actually are. It is a form of censorship that does not following the scientific method and can be highly political or manipulative. After my first close encounter involving a large object tossed at my son and I, my experience was quickly discounted by some very knowledgable poeple, that is was far too close to a large metro area to hold any possible Bigfoot activity. I eventually studied the area myself and had my first visual sighting, obtained several interesting pictures and videos. I also held the widely accepted opinion that the Bigfoot were just some undiscovered, base primate roaming about in the forested areas of North America. Over time, additional close encounter experiences revealed to me I was dealing with a subject that possessed intellect and cognitive thinking. I could go on with other personal observations further out of the box, but have clearly made my point. I personally feel to form rigid lines of acceptance as to who they are and what they can do limits the whole field of study. If people like Columbus, Edison, Henry Ford, the Wright Bothers etc. etc., would have listened to the accepted science beliefs and opinions, where would we be now? To quickly discount certain possibilites regarding Bigfoot can also be a roadblock to eventual discovery of truth. My point is, there are witnesses out there who have observed things about these subjects that doesn't lend to easy understanding. To not consider it as possible may slam the gate shut to the eventual discovery of what they actually are....in my case, I thought I knew at one time, but now have no earthly idea because of unexpected surprises, twists and turns....
    2 points
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