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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Actually Mulder, there is no evidence that can be conclusively attributed to a Bigfoot. There is plenty of evidence with claims attached that it came from a Bigfoot, but those remain just claims. Some of them have in fact been proven to have come from humans, i.e. hoaxed tracks. Samples have been proven to come from everything but a Bigfoot it seems. So technically speaking there is NO evidence of Bigfoot right now. There is evidence that is claimed to be from a Bigfoot, but to date none of that can be substantiated because right now there is no proof of Bigfoot to validate the claim. See how that works?
    1 point
  2. It depends on who you are talking to. If you are discussing the topic with somebody who spends a great deal of their waking hours out of doors, or someone who lives in sparsely populated rural areas, you'll likely get a much more credulous reaction. In all likelihood, they will also have a few stories and theories of their own to share. I find also those unburdened by what science "knows" are the most curious and open minded, and unlikely to dismiss the topic out of hand.
    1 point
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