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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2013 in all areas

  1. ^^ I wish I could, 1980..but it looks like the behemoth is rising again...
    1 point
  2. Re: Exploring Area X Two caveats are needed. First, I am a skeptic. Actually more than a skeptic, an unbeliever. Second, I know some of the people involved and find them to be among the kindest and most generous people I know. That said, I have walked the entirety of Valley X and have yet to encounter any item of significance. When I say I have explored it thoroughly I mean the entire length of the valley: floor, ridges, draws, knobs. I've walked transits across it to fully know the land. I did it partly out of my love of nature and exploration and partly as a product of my research of biogeography in Oklahoma. My time there has not been slight. It was done over 9 months in stretches of 3 to 5 days. I know the area very well. In that time, with one exception I was alone, save my dog Daisy. I regularly either camped or just slept on the ground if there was no rain forecast. I was never accosted. Never thrown rocks at. Never witnessed an unusual creature. Yes, I did see several of the groups cameras and blinds. So then, what is my reason for responding? I have great concern that someone is going to be injured in this quest to "harvest" a bigfoot. The previous attempts to kill something, the heavy use of military jargon, the videos showing people armed to the teeth and looking to kill something has me concerned for the jolly soul out exploring. As this valley is 95% public land, the potential is there. Additionally, there is no way to exit the small private in holding these cabins are on without venturing into public land. Additionally, the public land surrounding it has old logging trails from all cardinal points encouraging exploration. So then, how does the group address these concerns?
    1 point
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