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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2013 in all areas

  1. Sorry, but not true. Virtually every state in its Wildlife Codes (and the Feds to) somewhere has a provision that ONLY critters with a legally established season, size limit, bag limit, etc) may be "taken" (ie hunted). All other critters are off limits. If Smeja shot a BF and it came to the attention of F&W in such a way that they could no loger ignore it, they would =have to take action against Smeja. At the bare minimum that would mean confiscation of the specimen. OK, so if that is true, and that is his reasoning for not packing evidence out with him, why say anything at all? I'm not saying the story is true or false, but to claim you're afraid of prosecution, and then turn around and brag about shooting it is duplicitous on one statement or the other. I mean it's a great story, but at this point, even after the biological sample came back as bear meat contaminated with human DNA, that's all it is, a great story with nothing but people saying they believe him as proof. Has anyone looked into whether the bear steak was injected with human blood in order to try and skew results? I know it won't work, but the unknowing may give it a try.
    2 points
  2. I think you're getting it wrong. I asked this question specifically on the Ketchum study thread. Tyler or Bart, I forget which, said the location of the shooting, where the sample was recovered 5 weeks after the shooting, is at the end of a road where successful hunters will gut / skin their kill before returning home so it should surprise no-one who has paid attention that what was frozen under the snow that they cut a chunk from was bear rather than bigfoot. This is why the Trent U test results don't undermine their confidence in Justin's story, they only undermine Melba's study. Y' gotta pay attention if you're going to keep up. MIB
    1 point
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