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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2013 in all areas

  1. Mulder - In California, critters not specifically listed as legal to shoot are protected by default. In Oregon it's just the opposite. If it's not Federally protected, and it's not listed as protected or managed (game animal or furbearer with a specific season) it's considered vermin and legal to shoot year around anywhere shooting is legal. Other states vary. I haven't had a need to look into them, but as an Oregon certified hunter's ed instructor, you can bet I do know what Oregon's F&G law says. Doesn't mean I agree with it, but the law is the law. MIB
    1 point
  2. This is a lesson that can be applied to other aspects of life as well. I avoid any stickers, decals, etc. on my vehicles. No NRA decals, I don't want someone breaking into my car thinking they might find a firearm. Nothing with my favorite micro-brew, nothing indicating I'm serious about photography, etc. I frequently see vehicles now with little decal cartoon figures in the rear window representing family members; not something a person would want to advertise to a pedophile in search of a target. The sole personalizing detail on the Grand Prix I usually drive is a Navy veteran's vanity license plate with VA97, the aviation squadron I served in 40 years ago. It's easy enough in this connected age for someone to discover your personal information, I try to not give it away.
    1 point
  3. Really and truly? I'll take your word on that, but I've not seen much of it. I mean, at this point you must have taken a good hard look at all available evidence, and unless I'm misunderstanding you, you've counted all of it for "zip." The answer to your central motivating question should be obvious now. You're not, ever, going to get what you want here. You either don't accept that message, or you truly enjoy being the yappy dog who barks "hallucination", "hoaxers", "no proof" over and over. Moreover, when others try to explain what they do find compelling in their own analysis/experience, you condescend to them. I'm not saying you set out to do that, only that this is the inevitable result. (Note too your referral to these individuals as "adults." As opposed to....?)We all know the rules of this forum, and all are free to post if they abide by the rules, but I'm left scratching my head to wonder, as usual, what really motivates a guy like you to keep up this effort. I have no doubt you are a completely likeable guy who flosses between meals and salutes the flag when it passes. So why then do you, really, persist in a Quixotic task that only annoys those wanting to indulge their curiosity? Would you consider bringing something to the party besides a wet blanket?
    1 point
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