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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2013 in all areas

  1. dmaker - can you prove that all BF evidence has been faked or mis-ID'd? *ducking and running* ;-) Personally, I think that there IS indeed evidence of a purported BF. As has been discussed in length here and elsewhere. And some of this evidence had been found/proven to be faked/hoaxed. But there is a huge pile of evidence that has NOT been shown to be faked OR 100% genuine. But the pile that has not been shown either way is greater than the pile that has been shown to be faked, and infinitely larger than the pile that shows that it is indeed real (divide by zero). However, I don't feel at this time, it is appropriate to concede or assume anything. There aren't enough data points on either side to make a confident determination......so we should continue to investigate the most compelling of evidence.
    1 point
  2. Bloggers, pffffttt. I would not put one iota of faith in anything a blogger has to say about anything. These days it is just how many clicks can be counted on their websites. They are in no way looking for the truth. They are, however, looking for hits on their sites. So anyone that posts here quoting a blogger is suspect as well. Where are their credentials?????? BTW, I believe that Melba herself said that she was asked several times "what is this sample from?" by the labs doing the work.
    1 point
  3. If it did happen and gov were involved, why would they show anyone? For this to go public it would need to NOT be involving ths state in any way
    1 point
  4. Sure thing- here's a quote: Sources = unsubstantiated hearsay. Nothing documented- we have to take this nameless bloggers "word" for it that all he says is true... I think a lot of people are comfortable with making the assumption that this blogger is accurate because he or she says what they want to hear. Not fact based though... Tim B. This is what the author says about his or her qualifications...
    1 point
  5. Cannabalism? Really? thats what your worried about? Oh no the Sasquatch are coming, hide your children IF ONLY WE HAD GUNS!!!! I dont want to rush to protect it, but they dont bother us, we dont bother them. If a body is broadcasted by the gov and news then every dumbass with a gun will be out in the woods looking for them for a kill specifically. And yes, I know there are people out there doing that already, but it would be a much greater threat to them for us to know they are 100% real. We are the threat, thats why they avoid us. They approach women and children for a reason, and its not cannabilism, its security and safety in the contact.
    1 point
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