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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2013 in all areas

  1. If only the bloggers had inquiring minds, huh? Too often they post their unsubstantiated fact which is then regurgitated by a willing readership as fact. You illustrated well the fallacy of putting any stock into unsubstantiated rumors of the OTLS kind. Tim B. actyually Tim, exactly the opposite is true. I specifically and methodically tracked down the original sources for this information, and confirmed it first hand. something you are apparently completely unwilling to do. The information is not unsubstantiated, just the opposite. And since you have such an issue with "unsubstantiated rumors" i thought you would jump at the chance to confirm it for yourself. Not hard, would take you less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately your track record speaks for itself. Anything Melba says, although completely unsubstantiated, and demonstrably false - using her own data, well you accept that as absolute truth and verification for your personal beliefs. While completely dismissing any information to the contrary. I find that to be curious behavior! if you really are seeking substantiation, why not send out an email or 2, and make as simple phone call. The information you get might help open your eyes! 1st- are you saying YOU are OTLS! If so, then why didn't you put that information in the blog about this instead of saying "sources I can't reveal?" If you aren't OTLS!, then you yourself have shown how the cloak and dagger psuedo-journalism that is the bigfoot blogosphere. Thank you for illustrating that. 2nd- Why would I do the work that the blogger that presents him or herself as an authority on bigfoot and Melba Ketchum refuses to do? 3rd- While the moderators don't normally allow personal attacks in this venue, I have no problem with what you say. I have challenged at least two people to cite one example of me taking something as true. You won't find it. I don't even believe in bigfoot- I believe in the possibility of bigfoot. I find it interesting that you try to demonize anyone that doesn't automatically follow your own unsubstantiated belief system. My experiences in life lead me to believe that demonization occurs where facts fail. Have a nice day!
    1 point
  2. Sure thing- here's a quote: Sources = unsubstantiated hearsay. Nothing documented- we have to take this nameless bloggers "word" for it that all he says is true... I think a lot of people are comfortable with making the assumption that this blogger is accurate because he or she says what they want to hear. Not fact based though... Tim B. This is what the author says about his or her qualifications...
    1 point
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