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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2013 in all areas

  1. I was discussing OTLS!. Not you John. I've understood what you put out there and have already expressed my opinion on it in the more appropriate venue. I don't participate in the anti-Ketchum dogpile because I don't want to be associated with the vehemence that seems to be part of it. I have no personal agenda so I have no interest in the non-paper issues that seem to be the focus on this discussion. I'm not qualified to judge the paper itself so I have to read what trained experts say. And THEN I have to take them at their word that they are who they say they are. It's hard to do that on an internet forum. Basically- for every argument against this paper there is an argument that says otherwise and vice-versa. There's nothing definitive anywhere and until there is, there's simply no proof just opinion.
    1 point
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