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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2013 in all areas

  1. Whoa.......slow down. You know I like you and all. But your claim was that Grizzlies DID NOT climb trees. They do climb trees. Do they climb trees as well as a Black Bear? Heck no. I never said that. But regardless, a Grizzly bear IS a forest animal, not counting coastal Brown bears. They can put those long claws to work in a mountain meadow just as easily as they can on the plains. As well as shoveling huckleberries into their mouth or swatting an elk calf to the ground. Put it this way, I would say a Grizzly bear does better in the forest than a black bear does on the plains. But we find black bear in some pretty low vegetation areas as well. I was very surprised in working in the oil fields of N. Dakota to see Moose and Porcupines. Not something I expected. Those Moose have a long way to travel between Willow and Cottonwood bottoms out here. And go figure on the Porcupine. Back home they go after Pine pretty hard...........no Pine in N. Dakota.......but some in E. Montana. But there he was dead on the road...........
    1 point
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