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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2013 in all areas

  1. Not all habituators are alike, I've come to see. For instance, what is the NWAC doing in Area X, if not an habituation? Their stated objective is, yes, to take a type specimen, but in the meahwhile they are trying to gather as much evidence and non-kill proof as they can. Meahwhile, they are having a series of interactions over long periods...documented to a high degree. But, very few (them included) are accepting that documentation as proof, as far as I know. Still, they are trying. Could another habituator do any better? Over on another habituation thread we have a group parsing some video evidence, showing a high degree of interest in getting some substantiation of what happened to one habituator. So, I think painting all habituators as proof-averse is probably not borne out by things we see here on a regular basis.
    2 points
  2. OD I can only speak for myself, I have tried to get proof and it has alluded me for various reasons. I did NOT speak of my encounters for quite some time because of this, so I do get it. Certainly if the topic would come up I would advocate that SSq were/could be real but would not breach into my encounters. I could see how others reacted when the topic came up so I felt better served to keep my mouth shut. Everyone is a little different but for me it may hearken back to my faith and I will not go into detail , but something my sister used to always tell me... lil Bro there will come a day when the truth is the truth between just you and your creator, and there will be no clear way to show others the truth. I always held onto that when I was going through all of this. However over time I began to accept that I may never be able to prove what happened to me and found that, for me, in the end it really did not matter so much anymore..but I confess that there is a part of me that does want vindication, I cant help it, I am human and I receive some of that from those who have been where I have been and its as simple as that. I would simply ask anyone who has had encounters to remember back before they did and what they thought of those who made those claims. I mean that is a period we can all relate with, unfortunately those who have crossed the threshold to having an encounter can never go back nor explain it in a way that is satisfactory to the non indoctrinated. What we have to be careful of in my opinion is classifying folks into collectives and then stereo typing that collective. When I was younger and didn't have much life experience or wisdom (not that I have a whole lot now) I used to feel like if I didnt know about it or if it didn't happen to me it must not be valid...well I have also learned over time is that many times when I make such judgments within my limited understanding of things I may just be picking my next lesson. So to coin another great phrase I try today to make my words and observations more sweet and tasty for tomorrow I may have to eat them. I want to add that no amount of understanding,training or other life experience can adequately prepare a person for a SSq event or series of events. I think where many get into trouble is that most of their life they were taken on their word and when they have this happen and begin to experience someones questioning or disbelief , many times the individual does not have any reference point on how to deal with such things.
    1 point
  3. The thing I have an issue with regarding habituation stories is if they want to keep all of this so secret, and not provide ANY information other than the tales of interaction, why tell it at all. They know they are going to be asked for proof of their claims. I regard any habituation stories I hear now as just a cry for attention for the most part. Anyone can make a claim of habitation, and when asked for proof, just say they want to keep it all secret for the protection of the Sasquatch. Not one of these stories has provided one scintilla of proof from the claimant. Anymore, for myself, I just basically disregard any story of habituation as a tall tale. Maybe someday, if one of the stories is true, the claimant will actually show us proof of the event. Until then I figure they're just blowing smoke.
    1 point
  4. It's quite possible that once you 'know' they exist, you also understand that they don't really *need* humans to protect them. Hence, no need to prove it to anyone. As a researcher, I'm not personally interested in proving it to anyone: only to understand them better, myself.
    1 point
  5. I think it comes down to motivation Grifter. It takes time, patience, respect and mutual trust to reach a point where you have repeated contact with the Bigfoot subjects. Something most of the public fails to understand or appreciate. Not many folks I know of who have worked to reach this fragile point, would openly expose it to the rude skeptics and unbelieving public. A sure way to lose these incredible experiences in a heartbeat. The "Holy Grail" of posivite proof just doesn't hold a candle to the experiences of having these complex subjects draw close to you in a very deliberate fashion.... you reach a point where you don't really care what other people think or accept, no motivation what so ever.....
    1 point
  6. One reason seems to be is that some believe that there is nothing good that will come from sharing what they have. Perhaps this has to do with not having the type of evidence that is substantial enough to prove the existence of bigfoot which may result in negative accusations or judgements by others. Another thing is that it seems that some people would rather bigfoot never be proven to exist.
    1 point
  7. This used to be a skeptic vs believer thread.....
    1 point
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