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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2013 in all areas

  1. Hmm, a large, bipedal, hirsute mammal with a mid tarsal break in the foot topped off with a sagittal crest.... Yup, definitely modern human, no doubt. When a body of one is examined and DNA is sequenced, then we can know for sure.
    1 point
  2. In my opinion, that was way too slow as it could and should have been called the moment RD opened his mouth about the whole thing. I'm cool with the JS account personally,although for all different types of reasons, so much of what happened that day, including in regards to a quick scientific acceptance of the species, was clearly done wrong. Again I'll say, as a witness, I have less reasoning to call something BS than someone who hasn't seen one ( except Dyer of course ), its just human nature. I am fully aware that someone, somewhere, some day can shoot one of these things so I don't initially think BS on these accounts, again all except Dyer of course.
    1 point
  3. As far as the ad hominem crap goes the same can be said about Patterson, and most others... and has, and will continue to be. The footage is still not conclusive, but it is a worthwhile piece of footage and here is why. In answer the lumbering slowly...for those who have looked at this for years now feel there is a very young SSq with the large one, and that the large one was taken off guard by Freeman breaking his daily routine...not unlike Patty. It has been theorized that the larger was looking out for the little one and trying to manage two subjects...its youth and its photographer. Im sure a SSq knows that when you run away it can provoke an attack from other predators and staying calm seems to be their EM OH for those who have called this an open and shut case that is your prerogative, but for me it remains open. and there is also this from one of a buncha links... in 1997 according to the book, Bigfoot Exposed, Dr. Jeff Meldrum stakes much of his academic reputation on the Paul Freeman trackway. This trackway was a series of Bigfoot tracks from the Blue Mountains near Walla Walla, Washington. He wrote his support on a posting to the Internet Virtual Bigfoot Conference, an online (email-based) Bigfoot research community. http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoologists/meldrum-backs-freeman/
    1 point
  4. @OS, a year of on-line 'research' for you to determine there is not much compelling evidence put on the internet? Yikes! Question - in that year, how much field work have you put in? Y'know, boots on the ground? Any investigations you've participated in? It's kind of like having a bad day fishing on a lake and declaring there are no fish in the lake....
    1 point
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