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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2013 in all areas

  1. After my initial encounters on our property in Talbot, Co GA, we had joined a hunting club lease 60 miles to the Northwest. After the encounters we had in Talbot Co, were came to this property and there was no signs initially of the BF people. During our other encounters that led to my son getting chased by one, we had some fear of them because I was a little unsure of their intentions. Although they came up to our camp fire light almost every night and never attempted any harm, they still left us uneasy. The yells and screams and the occasional slap on the sides if our campers were un-nerving. Since I had a 14 year old son, I was a bit afraid for him to be hunting there anymore. So after losing that lease and moving here, I felt much more at ease with no sign of them and no yells or screams at night. A year and 1 1/2 later my wife and I are in the camper on this new property and I began hearing muffled voices outside. Kind of deep and fast, I couldn't make out words. I first thought someone had drove into camp, possibly another of our club members although none said they were coming down that weekend. I get up slipped on some warm ups and walked to the door. I opened the door and saw nothing. No additional cars or anyone there at all. No one had drove up. I was concerned that someone may have walked into camp, but I also knew how sound could carry in the woods and thought it could possibly been from a farm house down the road. I decided to jut go back to bed. After a few minutes, I began to doze back off and I heard the same sounds again. This time they were much closer and I definitely knew they were just a few feet away. I peeked out the window and still saw nothing. But I could clearly hear the talking and it sounded very much like the samurai chatter that are on the tapes. It stopped abruptly as I said my wife's name. I shook her awake and they kind of made a laughing type sound. I knew then they were here, on this property. This time, I felt no fear whatsoever. My wife asked what was wrong and I simply told her "they are here" and she knew exactly what I meant. The next day was when I found the "pinned tree" that I have shared before and then the sign of them increased all over the property leading up to some exciting encounters and my wife's first ever sighting of one looking at us from around a tree. This time, I had a new feeling about them. I began really trying to reach out and learn more. After discussions with many researchers and my "habituator" friends, I have learned an entire different way to approach them. This has led me to where I am today, totally a believer and in complete awe of these fantastic Primal People. KB
    2 points
  2. The range of sounds that many very credible reporters have attributed to BF is so great that it doesn't seem really possible to characterize what's normal for them, or what's uniform behavior (so that's why I quoted SY and daveedoe; I thought those were great points). I've only heard two vocalizations in my brief experience so far out there with our friends, and those vocalizations were growl-like sounds, on two separate occasions. So in that three-blind-men-and-an-elephant story, I've barely touched a whisker on the elephant. And I think a lot of us -- even more experienced people -- are in a similar position. It's just hard to know the whole story, or to get to a place where one could reasonably conclude the whole story had been told. PB (and Mockingbird), the guy who recorded these sounds has allegedly been listening to sounds like them for a while now. He says he has connected with the individual making them, so they're not strangers. If what he says is true, he's way past the jumping-out-of-the-tent stage with this, and also past the worst of the fear. He has also said that the sound-making intensifies after he goes into his tent, so he stays in the tent, so as to have more stuff to record. About these sounds being within the range of human sound (whatever that means, exactly; I'm not an audio expert): I think Sasquatch do make sounds within our range. That's what can make it confusing to figure out who's making what sounds. (That's what you were saying, right, SY?) Scott Nelson believes they can vocalize in our "range", but deliberately excludes that kind of audio from his research, precisely because including it causes too many arguments. He wants audio that's unambiguously, indisputably theirs, and he can only do that by excluding audio that could have been produced either by them or by us. But again, that doesn't mean they're not fully capable of creating sounds that exactly replicate what a human would (or could) produce. Bipedalist, your comment about the thing that's missing from the audio echoes what Alex has said, too, and your two comments are the only ones that give me pause here.... And I appreciate your not saying more about the thing that's missing, and your reasons for not saying more. But it does make me nervous.
    2 points
  3. Very succinctly put DWA. I think a lot of the rock fights here confuse something fundamental. Saying all (or even most of) the evidence has not been sufficiently explained is not a "position" on the existence of BF. It is not a "belief." It doesnt even need to be put in terms of probability (although I often just leave it as "more probable than not", the 51% threshhold). It just is a statement of axiomatic truth. It doesn't even need to be couched as a scientifice position. You've got to be able to field that blazing ground ball, or just sit on the bench.
    1 point
  4. it is what it is...... pounding on a keyboard is not going to change a thing. if your a proponent? you know what needs to be done.
    1 point
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