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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2013 in all areas

  1. MarkGlasgow, WE don't have to go anywhere. If it's not to your taste, you can opt out at any time. The reality of these "creatures" is exactly what we're talking about. People that are having to deal with them & their reality often come here looking for answers. They don't care whether BFs have a midtarsal break, how many teeth they have, or what's the best way to do a proper "knock" while researching. They want answers to questions about who these beings are & why they are at their homes every night. They want to know if other people are being subjected to the same kind of phenomena that they see happening around them. They need answers to serious questions, not somebody to accuse them of lying or being in need of "medication". We don't care if there are individuals that don't like us talking about it. We're going to talk about it anyway. There are still plenty of videos to dehoax if you don't want to "go down this route".
    1 point
  2. Of course not. I was asking if you could attempt to explain a claim that you have made. Other than, of course, it just happened. I guess I am asking you to attempt to explain your claim beyond it happened and I experienced it. I understand that you experienced it, I am simply asking what you think might explain what you experienced, while not saying that you didn't experience it. Fine, you experienced it. What do you think might explain how the event you experienced managed to transpire? That is all I am asking. I am not asking you to defend your belief, I think it is clear that you believe you experienced what you claim. I am beyond that. I am simply trying to seek if you have tried to deduce HOW it may have happened. Surely you must understand how the idea that a BF recognized you and then somehow managed to locate you 50 miles away inside an urban setting AND make it's way back is a fairly extraordinary claim? So you have made the claim, more than once. That is fair and is certainly your prerogative here on this board. I am just curious if you are interested in offering an idea as to how that might actually have happened, beyond of course, "it just happened"?
    1 point
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