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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Well.............why am I trying to shoot one? We can simply invite her to the White house for tea! Now.........this has all been just a big misunderstanding............DARN! These dresses ITCH! Don't they?
    1 point
  2. Does this mean he is no longer making the claim that his Bigfoot teacher communicated that same information to him via ESP?
    1 point
  3. I think folks may be getting caught up in terms of reference. race is probably (without our baggage) the most accurate term for us laypeople. Subspecies is the correct term for science once classification has begun.
    1 point
  4. It's really a shame about all the BS meters getting broken, but you guys should know by now that it can happen if you hang out in habituator threads. We don't really care if your BS meters are pegging or if you're losing sleep & getting hives because you are being constantly exposed to our "nonsense". There is a remedy for your problem & it's up to you whether you continue to subject yourselves to us or not. Contrary to popular opinion, most of us aren't here to tell fairy tails, convert skeptics, or prove anything even if we could. We are here to connect with others that are interacting with bigfoot, discuss our experiences, & learn from each other. We don't find each others' "claims" to be incredible because we have probably seen or heard the same things or something equally weird or curious ourselves. If those discussions don't conform to your ideas of reality, that's too bad, but I don't think you should expect us to change in the near future. We have all the proof we need. Nobody had it & served it up to us on a silver platter because we demanded it & we're not especially inclined to waste our time trying do it for you.
    1 point
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