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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2013 in all areas

  1. I've learned that there are a lot of emotionally and mentally fragile people out there, and critiquing what keeps them in a happy place is about equivalent to shooting their dog.
    1 point
  2. ive learned things aren't always what they seem & you never really know what some folks are up to. ive also learned solid, scientifically accepted proof will probably never come out of the BF community thanks to egos & differing opinions on whats what......not to mention the loonies & hoaxers muddying the water for those who might actually have something. but most importantly, ive learned there are real people behind these posts.... many with with real problems, stress & heartaches.. ...so while I realize the arguments fuel a forum, perhaps we should all do well to remember you don't know what others may be dealing with, so words of encouragement could go a long way........try it sometimes.
    1 point
  3. Hello COGrizzly, Here's where I'm going to get myself into some hot water. As far as Sasquatch goes? Not much.
    1 point
  4. Nathan, great thread and good luck with it! OK, here is something I have learned over the years I can share. Many people want to know how to find activity in their state or local areas. Here is a method I have used and so far it has worked out very well. 1) Do your homework! go online to as many sources as you can find regarding sightings or experiences in your area. Start with our forums in the sightings section! Look at the BFRO or any other data collection sites for experiences. Then get a map of your state or area, try and mark all of these areas to find the best area to concentrate your efforts. 2) Plotting your area. After you have collected data from these areas, I like to find areas where there are protected areas from hunting if possible, but if not, a large area with these features; WATER - There should always be a supply of water close by. NAVIGATION ROUTES - Power lines, horse trails, walking trails gas lines etc. I seem to have the best luck if these type features are around. WOODED TERRAIN - It seems they are most at home in wooded areas that offer lots of timber. 3) WALK THE AREA! Once these areas are found, the next step is to walk and note down signs they are there. 4) LOOK for their signs. In all areas I have had luck with, I always look for signs they have been there. The "X" usually means they were here, and signal to others this is their area. These are normally found along the navigation routes as described above. Also look for tree bows, tee pee structures, etc. Look for tracks along navigation routes. The Sas track will tend to be much wider and sometimes much longer than a human track. For example, the human track will normally be between 3.5" and 5" wide. Sas's can be a couple of inches or more wider than would be normal for a human. 4) FOOD! Look for areas that have lot's of "food" areas. Agriculture areas with livestock, chickens, gardens are all areas of opportunity. Areas that are near water have areas of dense vegetation along the banks, fish, mussels, etc. Blackberry, strawberry patches, fruit trees, all are good areas. 5) Native American History One common theme that keeps coming up over and over for me is Native American History in the area. I can't answer exactly why, but my best areas have a rich history of burial grounds, villages or ties to them in that location. I have even found interesting signs from the Sas that are the same used by the N/A's in these locations. 6) People Oddly enough, for me my best areas are areas that are close to campsites, cabins or areas that people frequent. They love to observe people and tend to hang out around such areas. These areas also tend to be in hunting prohibited areas as well. It could also be an area of frequent "visitations" by someone that lives in and around the areas. These people are coming out with their stories much more readily than years past. Following up on stories of these are sometimes a treasure trove of opportunity for you. Just a few pointers, I will add here as I have time. Thanks! KB
    1 point
  5. I agree, BobbyO. Aside from my own personal experience, and the PGF, there is not much in the way of single pieces of evidence I find compelling. Taken as a whole, some, like the sheer number of tracks, are definitely intriguing / interesting. As you say, being a witness, KNOWING they are out there, the lack of evidence is puzzling -> disturbing. There's something more to the picture that is missing, there has to be something wrong with our assumptions to account for that apparent disconnect. MIB
    1 point
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