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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2013 in all areas

  1. ^^^^ Oh yeah. I've gotten through much of it already, very engaging and full of ticklish information to ponder. One thing Bipto, on that firewood question: Right. Who knows for sure? But, as a furniture builder, carpenter and a 24/7 wood burner in winter, I am a dyed-in-the-wool wood geek. This week I've been making "little ones out of big ones", splitting my wood for this upcoming heating season, so I've had firewood on the brain lately as well. This got me to thinking about what a BF would find compelling about a stick of wood, and I really think it might not be all that complicated. First off, we have to acknowledge a Wood Ape is surrounded by this material, from birth to death, but in an unworked form. A piece of split firewood has the qualities of both being familiar, but unique at the same time. As far as we know, I think, they do not have the ability to fashion anything like this on their own, and they recognize it as special for that reason. It may bestow status on a WA that has a piece of it, not only for the intrinsic value, but also possibly as a trophy of a kind. As you noted, seasoned firewood resonates quite nicely when struck against a tree, or another piece of wood. (One theory I have is that many of the reported "wood knock" episodes reported in BFRO reports might only be campers doing this...it is a satisfying feeling/sound, as anyone knows who has connected with a fastball with a H&B ash wood bat ) When I split a large round of oak down to splits for my stove, I often wind up with either a triangular or roughly squared piece of wood from the center, without bark. I refer to these as the "fillets" of the tree. I often will just pick them up and note how they are, well, just plain cool to look at and hold. There is something in the hominid brain (well, in mine at least) that gets a burst of endorphins when you hold a fashioned piece of wood. Imagine this feeling if you had no ability to make something similar on your own. You'd covet it, for sure. You might want to pay more attention to the types of firewood splits that get pilfered. Size and dimensions, as well as symmetry may matter.
    2 points
  2. My beliefs much like many other, are all related to things I have seen or heard that help me quantify my rational thinking. I neither believe everything that Thom thinks nor do I disbelieve. The more time I have spent trying to understand this entire enigma, the more I have learned to keep my mind totally open. When I hear things said by people that have been in this longer than me, I normally keep my initial thoughts to myself until I CAN establish it as a true belief. Think about it this way, isn't this entire bigfoot thing completely irrational to what we have been taught? This after all is a myth right? Like, the boogey man, like the monster lurking in your childhood memories, like a made up character that people see. A few years ago I would have still been thinking it was all just a myth. Even though I see, hear, smell and experience things now, it is still to me hard to believe it all. It is like I keep thinking I will awake from a dream and I would have never really experienced these things, it was all a dream. That has not been the case yet. So, I keep my eyes open, ask questions, look for answers and try and keep premature opinions from leaving my lips. After all, I could wake up right? KB
    2 points
  3. Oh, sure I can get upset. He is my friend and I know him very well and I would get upset if any of my friends were being attacked without being able to defend themselves. That is my prerogative. All I ask is that people be respectful. I will put it this way, if any of your older friends were being discussed in the same manner and they couldn't defend themselves, I would hope you would feel the same way. KB
    2 points
  4. I'm going to go out on a limb and say a sasquatch did not make that trackway. How confident do I feel in making that statement? [Don Jefrrey Meldrum] "Very confident."
    1 point
  5. I've learned that the dead horse will not get up no matter how hard or how many times you beat it. lol And some topics just make my head hurt, some very educated members here.
    1 point
  6. How about we get a fresh start, lock this one and start a Operation Relentless thread?? The OP can state that you need to read the Operation Persistence thread first. Thoughts?
    1 point
  7. Here's why... "Criticism is necessary and useful; it is often indispensable; but it can never take the place of action, or be even a poor substitute for it. The function of the mere critic is of very subordinate usefulness. It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought, without himself sharing the stress and the danger." Teddy Roosevelt (1894) It makes people better..... In other words, maybe "criticism" will result in a better camera next time.
    1 point
  8. ^^ This post by the OP is why I, at least, responded with a bit of snark. You put up a pic that calling it a blobsquatch is an insult to blobsquatches everywhere, and then when a poster legitimately refers to it as a shadow you respond with all caps and characterize that response as a joke. And then you continue to complain how the "evidence" is received? That sound pretty double standardy to me fella.
    1 point
  9. ive learned things aren't always what they seem & you never really know what some folks are up to. ive also learned solid, scientifically accepted proof will probably never come out of the BF community thanks to egos & differing opinions on whats what......not to mention the loonies & hoaxers muddying the water for those who might actually have something. but most importantly, ive learned there are real people behind these posts.... many with with real problems, stress & heartaches.. ...so while I realize the arguments fuel a forum, perhaps we should all do well to remember you don't know what others may be dealing with, so words of encouragement could go a long way........try it sometimes.
    1 point
  10. For what it worth, Thom Cantrall and I happen to be very good friends. I can assure you he is not crazy, a "drug user", or a "fringe element". Unless you know someone and spend time with them, you shouldn't pass judgment. Thom happens to be one of the most intelligent men I have ever met and a very well versed man. He has done more to help me learn and understand than I ever could have learned by myself. Do I have the same opinion on everything about the BF people as Thom? No, however, that would probably be exactly the same as I would have with anyone. Below; KB, KB's Wife, Thom Cantrall and Ron Morehead.
    1 point
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