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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2013 in all areas

  1. Occasionally you make a statement that can be checked even when being evasive about where area X is. Anyone with google earth can easily check all portions of the Oachita National Forest to see that there isn't any place in the entire forest that is "Miles" from a road. The ruler function in google earth is great for that. But for those wanting to see the Area X vicinity directly then check out the triangle formed by County Road 256/NF6025 in the Lynn Mountain stretch, to its intersection with NF 6025A. If you're clever enough to follow the personalities involved and know how to access the county property records database then you can find the cabin site. But in terms of the area around there, you can see there is no place more than a mile from either of those roads. It is the Cucumber Creek drainage. If you want to see how scientists have surveyed animals of interest in that exact vicinity, check out this article in the Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science: http://digital.library.okstate.edu/oas/oas_htm_files/v76/p43_47nf.html The article is entitled "The Herpetofauna and Ichthyofauna of the Cucumber Creek Watershed in the Ouachita Mountains, LeFlore County, Oklahoma". These scientists spent 430 person-hours and 238 trap-hours there, capturing and documenting nineteen reptilian species, sixteen amphibian, and thirteen fish species. This area is actually a bird preserve, and extensive studies of the birds habitating there can also been investigated as well. Countless hours of field studies have been done on all animals there, including deer, game birds, bear, etc. Jeff Ford is the wildlife biologist in this Wildlife Management Area, or at least he was through 2012 when I last looked into this. His telephone number is (918)653-2012. Anyone could call him or his replacement up and chat about his extensive knowledge of the wildlife in this area and all the studies he is familiar with spanning thousands of hours of field research by various professionals. One of the odd things about these bigfoot projects is the studious avoidance of paid professionals who spend vastly more time studying the area and indeed managing the wildlife there. Perhaps Bipto could contradict that though and speak to which of the wildlife managers, scientists, and organizations he is working with there. That's what scientists do, after all - they collaborate. Nature Conservancy is involved in that bird preserve for example and there are various other groups concerning themselves with the area. There's a guy who had a very interesting blog too that was out single-handedly clearing some of the trails coming over from the Beech Creek Unit. But I am too lazy to go look him up right now. Cheers.
    1 point
  2. Once this species is proven to science? I'll join you with bells on.
    1 point
  3. All science is garbage if "we" have to stand up to peer review.... Signed "BF, UFO's, The Easter Bunny, Vampires, Unicorns, Lycans, Thunderbirds & Smurfs"
    1 point
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