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  1. Hello Irish73, Speaking of Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny I'll let you in on a little secret (SHH, don't tell anyone). I've never seen SC and the EB appear AT THE SAME TIME! To me it's analogous to Clark Kent and Superman. By that I mean that I think that Santa Clause AND the Easter Bunny are the SAME GUY. Now I can't prove this hypothesis but it is an example of just one of the many things that keep me up at night. Thought you'd like to know.
    1 point
  2. JW, head over to the JREF. Find the thread from two years ago when we first started talking about Operation Endurance. I'd find the thread for you, but I wouldn't go back to that cesspool if you paid me. Find where our Alaskan friend began his quest to find X. Not so he could confirm our observations or validate our claims, but so he could talk others into going there and interfering. He carelessly and callously encouraged others to put our members and themselves in danger by walking in and disrupting our work. He incited them to break laws by trespassing. This is not an intellectually honest person. He has proven himself not to be someone worthy of debate. Even his interaction here demonstrates that. He swoops in, lays his egg and fertilizes it with bile and venom, then flies off again. Would you, in my position, give him anything more than I have? Would anyone reading this even continue to engage *at all* in the face of this kind of abuse? It's a good question. We've had both approached. They seem to be boldest when they think they're unseen, so IMO it's about a horse apiece. As to the location of Area X, it seems to me that NAWAC has already posted it on their website: http://woodape.org/reports/report/detail/457 That's interesting. Nowhere in that vicinity (between paved highway 1 and paved highway 63) are you ever more than a mile and a half from a perfectly paved highway taking the lamest passenger bus or lowrider. Here is the closest google picture along hwy 1 looking South there: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/86783959?source=wapi&referrer=kh.google.com Some dudes on their motorcycles. But you can easily see the nonpaved roads on Google, like NF 6032. They're much better than what I just drove on today to check out the Stuart Creek Fire. Over seventy thousand acres now. You can't see my roads on google earth, let alone our four-wheeler trails. Much heavier cover, narrower, and rougher terrain. Those are really easy roads you can see there in the Oachita, and there's quite a bit of tourism literature in that vicinity about them. Bed and breakfasts, four-wheeler rentals, bikes, horses, etc. that talk about these roads. Here is a couple of pictures crossing the Kiamachi for example right there on NF 6032: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2588193?source=wapi&referrer=kh.google.com and http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2588246?source=wapi&referrer=kh.google.com Gosh, I would love to have roads that beautifully maintained where I cut wood for winter heat or where we hunt and fish. Nice gravel surface to drive on - don't even need four wheel drive in the river shown in those pictures. I have to use a real truck with big tires and oversized rims in 4wd low or our four-wheelers. We got winches and cables to yard logs and get us out of trouble. Those pictures above show how pedestrian this area is. In terms of someone who actually lives or works in the woods anyway. I'd love to see pictures demonstrating otherwise, and invite them to share with us. There's almost no ground that is over a mile from either that forest service road, the paved highways, or another gravel road. Pointing this out is in the interest of honest assessment of the claims, one of which is being "miles" from a road. Nowhere in that region anywhere. So easy to see that with Google Earth. ShadoAngel - when you were framing the researchers having no financial interest you overlooked the tax-deductable financial incentive. Gosh, inadvertently, right? I would like to be able to write off all my gas, travel, food, etc. for any number of things I do recreationally. Wow, what a bonus deal! Write off all the equipment I buy too! It looks to me like going to Las Vegas would produce just as much evidence so making my Vegas trips a tax-deductable charitable contribution has all the same merit. Same thing here - in the interest of honest full disclosure this financial benefit should be pointed out when you are claiming there is no financial benefit to these recreational trips.
    1 point
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