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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2013 in all areas

  1. I just got off the phone with my local forest service--------------> The Ouachita National forest <Arkansas and Oklahoma> HAS NEVER BEEN ENTIRELY CLEAR CUT! PERIOD! Pick up the phone Drew and let your fingers do the walking.
    3 points
  2. There is absolutely no question that wildlife and forests took a big hit by the end of the last century. On my mothers side they were loggers in the ozarks that moved to the cascades at the turn of the last century. Because the trees were bigger there were less people which equaled bigger opportunities. With that said? They were still cutting trees and eating venison when they left Missouri. They never were forced to become cobblers or blacksmiths. But obviously it was bad enough they left. My opinion is is that it never got as bad as what is usually portrayed which is a moon scape. Iceland and Lebanon are devoid of trees despite having large forests at one time. So if we are talking zero then it still would be zero......there would have been nothing to rebound from and rebound it did. With human help as well as good ole Mother Nature. I'll be open in the fact that I have been skeptical about a eastern Sasquatch in the past. Bipto's group I feel has had some compelling things happen to them that has reshaped my thinking. Ultimately the past doesn't matter.... Whether squatch fled before the onslaught or hid out in the past is a mystery. What is important is the here and now. The NAWAC is a skeptics best friend......your asking for physical evidence and they are attempting to deliver! Rejoice in that fact! Not many organization's attempt or agree with that approach! Skeptics are right to point out the improbabilities of such a creature existing, I see that. But I don't understand the attempt to undermine those that are taking an honest approach with a definitive objective with this mystery. They are doing so because they experienced something not of the ordinary. So lighten up!
    2 points
  3. Y'know, the more I think about it, I could really care less if the whole durned area was clear cut, nuked, and napalmed in the early 1900's. Today, there's plenty of cover to support many large animals. How they got there? At this point, who cares? Maybe they road trains from Illinois? Maybe they tunneled from the Himilayas. Maybe a giant bird dropped them from the sky. If Bipto's crew can settle this mystery once and for all, we'll worry about that detail (and about a million others) later. Let's not put the cart before the horse here.
    1 point
  4. Why is this thread no longer pinned? What do you have to do around here- habituate a physic squatch who contributed a sample to the Ketchum study??
    1 point
  5. I guess repeatability is key to all this. Anyone who wants to see what we saw, go for it. We may be hearing from some conservation specialists and WDFW who are monitoring the area farther north. Here are the specifics of where we were camped in relation to landmarks. It was a great perch with a vast view across the basin. We watched the elk and goats for hours. 1 is our camp. 2 is the goat herd. 3 is the area of the wolverine contact. This gives an idea of how separated things were. Movement from our camp back to Goat Lake seemed to take several hours, much of that of crawling on all fours. These photographs don't really illustrate the steepness of the terrain. The lake is in a bowel out of view. The wolverines were off to the right.
    1 point
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