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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2013 in all areas

  1. I really don't care if anyone wants to debate the results anymore. Just remember who said the results were human, and from nonhuman samples. I think this community will see that again and again and again until it sinks in. I've seen notable and "Prominant proponents" preach that we needed the DNA only to now shift to "we need a body". What made sense before, doesn't anymore. They'd rather throw Ketchum under the bus than to acknowledge what she found. It's too easy to say the samples were ALL human or contaminated and carry on believing the unknown ape roams the forests and never leaves a single shred of "unknown ape" DNA behind. Most people don't even realise that Ketchum was the first to say the results were "crazy".
    1 point
  2. Because BF is something that the government can't control, tax, or herd into reservations. Kinda like UFO/Aliens. If they refuse to acknowledge them, they don't have to explain their powerlessness in dealing with them.
    1 point
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