The economic impact goes far beyond timber. Anything based on resource extraction ... timber, mining, energy production (gas, coal). We assume but don't know for sure the extent of the "turf" (I hate to say habitat) they use. If it's not just forest in remote places, we could be talking about land set asides right up to the city limits impacting private land holdings, agricultural use, etc. It's bigger than just timber, we just don't know how big.
Further, if gov't really knows about bigfoot, if they've had them in the lab, etc as some suggest, then they may have confirmed some of the "woo" stuff. Maybe there are weaponization concerns, national security issues in play.
Who knows? ... and until we know what is, we don't know what isn't. Until we know more, I think it pays to keep all the questions open and all possibilities on the table, even the ones we personally think unlikely.