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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2013 in all areas

  1. Well sure the evidence makes all the difference versus the testimony, which was my point. But you can't say that the testimony on that board is anymore credible than the testimony here. These people are having encounters and they sound sincere- but how? Well apparently if your beliefs are strong enough you'll find ways to make an encounter happen. All you have to do is find ways to justify it by creating evidence out of natural things- in this case orbs are really fairies, rainbow colored sand is really fairy dust, etc. Read through it and you'll see they've established a lot of lore for the subject. I see the same thing happen here with Bigfoot- tree knocks are Bigfoot, something thrown is Bigfoot, broken branches are Bigfoot, owl hoots and coyote howls are really Bigfoot. What was that noise in the bushes? It was Bigfoot of course. The list goes on and on. This is why testimony alone doesn't really mean squat- belief is a powerful thing. Now blobsquatches may seem pointless, but they do help to rule out some things. Take a look at the thermal footage that was captured recently- even though they were blobsquatches they still managed to pull a lot of useful information out of that footage like height estimations, and ruling out they were animals, etc.
    1 point
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