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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2013 in all areas

  1. Let's change that sentence to read: "That same information is still little known, entertaining and factual accounts of happening involving Bigfoot." (And if it will make nay-sayers feel better, we'll (anyone who has posted about their experiences with Bigfoot) be more serious when we discuss the subject again.) ---------- From Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, Second Edition. Anecdote, 1. Originally, little-known, entertaining facts of history or biography. 2. A short, entertaining account of some happening, usually personal or biographical.
    1 point
  2. I understand about sightings preceding the discovery. But I think you are missing my point. Just because a Bigfoot is found cannot confirm any past sighting. It might increase or decrease the probability based on comparing descriptions, but it still cannot, irrefutably, confirm any previous sighting. Only a time machine could do that. But it feels like I'm splitting hairs here. For my part, I would abandon this discussion instantly. It just wouldn't be worth debating. The discovery would not suddenly make true that which is not. All the reports that were faked will still be faked. But there would be no point in focusing on investigating that when there is real Bigfoot to discuss.
    1 point
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