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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2013 in all areas

  1. These are not the wookies you're looking for.
    2 points
  2. Drew: Obviously some hoaxes are better than others. A hoax using a commercial mask basically is doomed as soon as clear head photos become available because we can search for the mask, as was done for the Bigfoot body in the freezer, the tongomi video, and Matilda. All were exposed within a day or two of a researcher seeing the face clearly. But every analysis is fundamentally unique because every incident's evidence is unique. We use the same principles of analysis, but use specific analysis techniques or methods based on the individual evidence we has to analyze. In Matilda's case, all we had is the head shot, looking sideways and turning to face camera. No body, no walking, etc. For the sleeping figure, all we have is the curled up body shape, some vague movement, and no head. So while methodology in general follows the same path, it is customized to the specific evidence of the incidentat hand. But one general rule is that the more evidence we have, the more resources we have to expose any hoax. That's one of the reasons the PGF isn't a hoax. The amount of excellent image data evidence exceeds all other incidents together, in terms of both volume and quality, and yet the PGF withstands every method of rigorous inspection that would challenge it's integrity. Every possible test or line of analysis comes up 100% positive for authenticity. And that's why most attacks on it's authenticity go to the crappy tabloid gossip about Roger's life and the "backstory". That's all they have to build claims of hoax, and there's nothing scientific about any claim based on that material.
    2 points
  3. There is no hypocracy. Each incident must be evaluated individually based on the extent of it's image data (quality and quantity), and each incident must be evaluated accordingly. But Matilda fell apart as a confirmed fake as soon as it was properly analyzed, while the PGF holds up as real after 46 years of scrutiny. So hoaxes do tend to crash and burn fairly soon after rigorous examination, but authentic material holds up to rigorous scrutiny. Big difference.
    2 points
  4. Has anybody noticed how many Coyotes yipping and howling during the middle of the night are being attributed to Sasquatch? I have come across numerous youtube videos, audio files on various websites, etc. Some even admit that it sounds like a Coyote but it's a Squatch mimicing a coyote instead. I have called, shot and skinned my fair share of Coyotes and I want to assure you all that if it sounds like a Coyote? It is! Wolf? Then it is! I've heard whoop calls in audio files........I don't have an answer to that. But if you don't believe me about Coyote calls, then you need a heavier dose of the Outdoor life channel and this guy: http://predatorquest.com/web/ Yip Yip Ki Yi AAAAAEEEEEE
    1 point
  5. It didn't, it created the correct perception that it is a wookie mask.
    1 point
  6. Okay, that was good sour mash Ezra Brooks, neat, thru my nose.
    1 point
  7. Love how those believing bigfoot capable of mimicry are the only ones claiming time spent in the woods. As if.
    1 point
  8. BipedalCurious, Your attempt to compare the whimsical Ketchum/Erickson footage and the PGF is simply nonsense. Just because someone determines that the K/E footage is fake does not mean that the PGF is hoaxed by default. That is simply an attempt to dismiss the PGF based on such obvious attempts as to declare the K/E footage as nonsense. Each example is judged on its own merit, not one based on the other. Attempting to compare the two is an attempt to muddy the waters. One has required the studious work of Bill Munns. The other? Well, let's just say that it's so easy a caveman could do it.
    1 point
  9. ^Gotta love the 'super outdoorsman' chest thumping.. I think it's pretty obvious that a majority of 'Bigfooters' don't spend much time outdoors, so a sound reference guide would be a good idea.
    1 point
  10. My Name is Wheellug (Rick) and I'm a bigfoot Junkie. What brought me here was an interest in the subject. I've stayed with this forum as it allows great conversation. Those that have seen, believers, want to be's, idealist, skeptics and of course, scoftics. When I saw the PGF as a child, I knew. Then a personal experience as a young teen. I can't say I saw one, but I know I was frightened so bad that I could not move. I don't believe that at this point there is a straw that will break the camels back at this point, for me that is.
    1 point
  11. I dunno Guy, it takes a lot to bother me, but I have enough real bother in my life to not get really exercised over people spending their own time and money to do silly crap. If that is what it is. The things people really should know for sure about BF are exceedingly small. The pile of stuff we would like to know is huge. To me, this disparity urges caution for saying we know things, when we probably really can't know them right now . I'd say this also goes for most people who've had an encounter or two. They know more than most, but that is really not saying much, is it? The BF sideshow thrives as much on negative feedback as positive. As I say, if anyone has kids, they know that either kind of attention will usually suffice. If any of us really want to shut down the hoaxers, the thing to do is not take it personally and get all frothy at the mouth, the thing to do is just shrug and move on. The process will weed these folks out in time, and more efficiently than anyone can.
    1 point
  12. Of course it isn't. I say it's more of stain on human beings than our subject personally.
    1 point
  13. Got to be the same thing, surely ? Edit : Either that or they based Chewwie on Matilda.. Another complete train wreck, when will it end ? I swear these people get paid to throw spanners into the works of this subject, i'm convinced of it.
    1 point
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