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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2013 in all areas

  1. Probably going for a more international audience. A lot of other countries view Americans as self-absorbed and oblivious to other cultural perspectives. Leading with Bigfoot; a relatively late, and distinctly American, entry into the hairy hominid pantheon; as a means to address a worldwide issue isn't the best way to introduce a potential breakthrough that could result in international acclaim, and put him in the running for a Nobel prize. Skeptics are going to jump on the Nobel comment, but if they look at it OBJECTIVELY, they have to admit that someone who manages to prove, using accepted scientific protocols, the existence of a species of reclusive hominids is going to be recognized. Sykes isn't the first American to approach bigfoot from an expatriot perspective. Sanderson also did so, leading with "Abominable Snowmen" (ABSMs) as a broad definition for such hominids worldwide.
    1 point
  2. Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you
    1 point
  3. I'm not arguing skeptic and proponent. It's about obvious garbage verses a piece of evidence (PGF) that has been debated and discussed for 46 years. Regardless of how you attempt to liken the two, they just aren't in the same league. I don't have to worry about what someone else says about the PGF because it stands on it's own, and has for 46 years. The Ketchum/Ericson presentation? Personally, I wouldn't waste my time trying to address it in the same manner the PGF has been. All one has to do is take a look at the Chewbacca mask and the presented video to know that the force isn't with it. If those on the JREF want to believe that there's a correlation between these two pieces of video, well, I suppose that's their prerogative. However, expecting others to do likewise is simply an attempt to coerce others into a line of thinking that makes no sense, not even for the JREFers. The validity of each example should be based on their own merits, not based on someone's personal conjecture.
    1 point
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