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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2013 in all areas

  1. I'll say this Rogue, if you think a Lynx can make the same quantal vowels that humans make , there is a solid research paper in that, as it is debated that even Neanderthals may not have had that simple ability. http://www.fau.edu/explore/homepage-stories/2008-04speaks.php Bottom line is if you hear these quantal vowels in a mammalian vocalization the odds you are hearing a human or hominin go up considerably. Edit to add mammalian.
    2 points
  2. Much ado about nothing, going on here. Incorrigible is provided entertaining but second-hand stories from unnamed sources who claimed they were kept awake ALL NIGHT by Mockingbirds, but no proof. It is up to the readers to conclude whether or not those mockingbirds slept during the day - the only time they could find food - or if they persisted in singing all night until they fell over dead from malnutrition. Of course, your mileage may vary.
    2 points
  3. Monongahela is doing good work with the sound recordings. It's not mocking science to follow what science says and apply it to the evidence. You'll find this on any path to legitimacy and becoming an expert.
    1 point
  4. Thanks, OHZ and Branco. Great info!!!!!!
    1 point
  5. http://www.ask.com/question/why-do-mockingbirds-sing-at-night "Mockingbirds sing at night for a couple of reasons. One is to communicate with other birds of their species. The other purpose of singing throughout the night is for the male bird to make it appear as if a certain territory is already overpopulated with mockingbirds, because the songs appear to come from several birds and not just one. The keeps rivals away." Mockingbirds are notorious for singing thru the night.
    1 point
  6. I'm probably a Bigfoot junkie of a different kind. I'm primarily a collector/archivist of Bigfoot. It's been so ingrained in our culture the past century that I think it would surprise people just how much stuff is out there. I also like debate, and you can't have a good debate without things getting a little controversial. Otherwise I'm just on the fence with it all, mainly because of the sheer amount of hoaxing and misidentifications over the years. The PGF being my primary source of optimism.
    1 point
  7. I think it got quiet because you don't care to give your opinion about what made the sound. Your have been very prolific at giving your interpretations of sounds others have mentioned. You got replies to the lynx sounds you posted and tried to convince yourself and others that those sounds had been mistaken by "Footers" as having come from Bigfoot. So, I'm asking you again to offer YOUR opinion as to what animal made the sounds I linked. Leave the cable unhooked; just want to hear your opinion,
    1 point
  8. They are smart. Talk to anyone who hasn't simply had a sighting, but has actually interacted with one, and the majority will agree. A bigfoot hanging out in any populated area likely knows the terrain outside every fence line better than any human in the area and knows the concealed corridors. And it's not that we're dumb, we're just oblivious. Deer are undeniably dumb, and we see deer in urban areas all the time, but there are times we don't see any and we wonder where the heck they all go when we're not seeing them. Cougars are smarter. In urban areas where we find cougars, often the cougar has been around for a while, and very few people have a clue. It isn't until one is found that people start musing about whether or not there's a connection to all the recent pet disappearances. There's a community in Cincinnati right now where they're finding cougar tracks on a regular basis, but nobody's actually seen the cougar yet. Bigfoot have an even greater advantage. Their intelligence range overlaps our own and they are vigilant compared to our keep your head down and get to work culture. Most people see a humanoid silhouette in the shadows and avoid it, because they assume its either a panhandler or trouble. If someone does get a clear view of one at a distance, they simply assume that it is a man viewed disproportionately or wearing bulky clothes (like some homeless people). If they get a clear view of one at close range and talk about it, they're derided and laughed at. Derision perpetuates ignorance.
    1 point
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